Dear james

Thank You for your thoughts and comments regarding the Babies "R" Us, "FirstBaby of the Year Sweepstakes." As a company that is all about kids and families,
we love all babies. With that in mind, we decided to give all three babies in
the grand prize pool a savings bond to help prepare them for their future.
We deeply regret that this sweepstakes become a point of controversy. Again, we
thank you for your comments, and we wish you a very Happy New Year.

Toys "R" Us Guest Relations Team

-----Original Message----
Sent: Jan 7, 2007 12:07:39 PM
Subject: Comments/Suggestions

i have recently been made aware of your 25,000 scholarship program you had to the first born baby. I must now take exception with you awarding it to thechild of someone who is in the USA illegally. This alone makes me mad. as
someone who is against illegals coming into my country, taking it over,
demanding services only meant for legal US citizens is WRONG. to award
anyone, like you have done in this contest is also wrong. If your contest
says the parent(s) must be legal US citizens then you have the right to deny
this chinese student the winnings. Unless you revert to the first decision
and not award the winnings, Myself and others will not shop at your stores
again. and your name will be places on a websight for boycott purposes for
anyone who doesnt like lawbreakers like this mother

Toys R Us stores
