What about our kids???
Friday, 27 June 2008
Carolyn Hileman

George Will had an article in the Washington post today in which he opined that we are not being fair to the foreign born workers, in his article he states that 2/3 of the of doctoral candidates in Science and Engineering in US universities are foreign born. He then goes on to tell us how we are educating these bright young minds and kicking them out. It does not seem to bother him that if what he says is true then only 1/3 of the really bright individuals are Americans. He further suggests that we are damaging our economy by not allowing those Bright individuals to stay and says absolutely nothing about the disproportionate amount of Americans who are in our universities who are seeking that type of education.

There was a time in the not to distant past that we cared about American excellence, we cared about our students and wanted them to be the best and the brightest, but we never got around to funding it, seems all too familiar doesn’t it? Since Mr. Will does not seem to see any problem with the fact that not only are we importing people to take over our jobs we are also importing students to take over our universities I suppose I will have to be the one to say WHAT THE HELL!!! Now either we are supporting these Bright young people in their intellectual endeavors or another seemingly underprivileged country knows more than we do and is working to make sure their children have a future.

It is not because our children are not intelligent, it is not because they are not interested in these fields, it is because they simply cannot afford to be interested. Just getting the basics in college is upwards of twenty thousand dollars, and most parents don’t even want to know how much a university would cost. Scholarships are great but you have to compete for them and there are not that many, so the young man or woman who wants to go to a university is out of luck. Now I suppose we could all take Mr. Will’s advice and just allow these bright young men and women stay, take over our jobs, take over our government and everyone will be happy. But that begs the question, what about our kids???

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