The American Coup - 1963

How the power was passed on
to a criminal who could be trusted

Lyndon Johnson and the assassination of JFK

If you're going to stage a coup, you've got to have someone you can rely on to pass the reigns of power to after the leader is eliminated.

That would be Lyndon Johnson, a criminal politician on the verge of being indicted. He faced the choice of cooperating with the coup and becoming President or going to jail, perhaps for the rest of this life, and losing his power base.

In a country like the US where people are theoretically interested in what's going on, you also need to be able to prove the assassination was committed by a lone nut.

Johnson and his long time "friend" J. Edgar Hoover could be counted on to make sure the "investigation" was carefully "directed." Add the Warren Commission, staged managed by Alan Dulles who despised Kennedy and represented people and industries that despised him, and you end up with a nicely wrapped package.

Did Johnson plan the murder?


What did happen was that like any tin pot dictator wannabe Johnson was approached by Dulles forces within the CIA and given his options. He took Option A.

As you'll recall from past Brasscheck TV videos the secret of the US is that there are TWO CIAs and TWO FBIs.

One more or less follows the law and does what it's advertised to do. The other is a criminal enterprise formed and put in place to cover the crimes of oil companies, banks and other deep pocket fascists.

Who wanted Kennedy killed?

Right wing nuts in the Pentagon, the defense industry, the oil industry, Wall Street, the so-called intelligence community . You name it, they wanted him gone.

Post-Kennedy brought us an out-of-control Pentagon, an out-of-control CIA, an out-of-control Federal Reserve. Just about everything that's turned the US government from the hope for the world to the stinking pile of gangster shit it's become.

Kennedy was no saint, but the people who eliminated him and have controlled the country non-stop (with the exception of four years of Jimmy Carter) have done incalculable harm to the country and the world since.

Interesting: in 2013, it will be 50 years since Kennedy's death which means a lot of records sealed for "national security" will be open.

Three Brasscheck TV videos that explain the institutions that made it possible for a US President to be murdered in cold blood in broad daylight and for the people responsible to not only get away with it, but also take control of the country and its direction:

* How America Lost Its Way

* Why the Justice Department doesn't catch banksters, terrorists and other enemies of the nation

* The Poisoning of America's Soul

It was slick.

Not only did it work, it confused hundreds
of millions of people, even those who didn't
believe the official story.

FACT: The US suffered a violent overthrow in 1963.

The power in the US was passed from the choice
of the people to a tin pot dictator from Texas who
gave the Pentagon, the CIA, the oil industry, and
the banks everything they wanted.

You can't understand now until you understand


- Brasscheck

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