Jim went to the border Saturday, 10/08/05. For his account:


Another group of us took a trip to the borer, October 9, 2005. First of
all, we had a great time.

We went to Tim Donnelly’s operation first and spent most of the day there.
If anyone is interested in going to the border, I highly recommend Tim’s
Operation. It is professional, well run and Tim is a great guy.

Enruique Morones was there with the ironically named “Border Angels.’ They
made a great show of placing a bottle of water at the border for the
“migrants.� However, the sport shooters that were in the area tossed the
water in their trucks on their way out of the area. Tim maintains MMP SOP
with regard to counter protesters so we did not interact with them. They
took video of us eating lunch, kicked up the dust and tried to taunt us.
Marvin the Martian from LA was there, riding a motorcycle. They faked a
photo op, having a guy with a confederate flag on his truck pull up to
take pictures of the Minuteman with the confederate flag in the back
ground. Then Enrique made loud remarks about the Confederate flag being

The Minutemen were, as always, great people. Many were from San Diego and
quite a few were from Gilchrist’s congressional district. One man, with a
son who had done two tour in Fallujah said he voted for Jim and it was the
first time he had voted outside the Republican Party.

At the taller fence, at Chase’s site, a border patrol agent said the
illegals have a truck with a hydraulic ramp. The drive the truck to the
fence, lift the ramp over the fence and drive their vehicles right over.

Like I said, we had a great time, and I recommend going, even for a day.


The Border:
