The Election That Spawned A Revolution

November 5, 2012 by Sam Rolley


Tomorrow, you will vote and hopefully Americans will know very quickly — without too many hanging chads, faulty machines or fraud accusations — whether President Mitt Romney or President Barack Obama will hold the Nation’s highest office for the next four years.

After the election, some Americans will feel victorious and others worried. Some will likely take to the streets in celebration while others prepare for four years of political hardship for their party.

And still more, those damned third-party-voting electorate-splitters (as many of you refer to them), will shrug and expect little change.

For whom you are planning on voting in this “landmark” election matters very little in the grand scheme of America’s inevitable creeping slide into turmoil and tyranny. It’s a bait and switch enabled by political theater in its grandest form.

Some of you began this long, painful election season wishing for a truly conservative candidate but are beaten down by political grandstanding to the point that you now believe “anyone but Obama” is the answer to America’s many problems. At this point, you have effectively been beaten into submission by the cowardly and unconservative Republican Party so much that you believe moderate Romney, with his crony capitalist background, is the answer to reversing impending economic mayhem. One can only hope you are right that Romney will be elected, reverse Obamacare on his first day, single-handedly turn around an economy that is heading for Grecian territory, create jobs for the millions of unemployed and keep the Nation’s geopolitical foes at bay.

Others believe truly that the current President was using his first term as a practice swing and that the promises he made in 2008 will be fulfilled in a second term. You think that if your man is re-elected, in the next four years senseless wars will finally end, stimulus will miraculously begin to work, the government will become transparent, green energy will make the Nation new again and the impoverished in the country will become educated and receive good jobs through government benevolence. One can only hope that you are right, as well.

Both groups believe that if the wrong man reigns victorious, America is doomed. But in that respect, it can be safely said that you are all wrong. America is doomed either way, as are its people.

  • Corporate cronyism, international bankers and corrupt politicians will maintain and, in fact, grow control over the United States.
  • The National Defense Authorization Act, the police state and warrantless surveillance will exist unabated.
  • Government will grow, as will its debts.

The purpose of this article is not, however, simple divisiveness. It is not a final plea from a contrarian who believes that American citizens should send a big message to government by not voting or by voting for a third party candidate en masse. Vote for whomever you want.

But after the election, let’s be Americans again. Not Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, Homosexuals, rich white guys, modern women, Christians, Muslims, young voters, etc. Let’s be citizens of the Nation not first, but only after we are members of families, neighborhoods, communities, cities, counties, States and regions, respectively. Look around you; these are the people that matter. No amount of bloviating by the likes of government bureaucrats and media pundits seeking to divide the Nation as a whole neatly into categorical political armies can change the simple fact that it truly is a battle of us versus them. It’s those inside the Beltway and the marbled halls of statehouses with their hands deep in the pockets of lobbyists and even deeper in Federal coffers versus those who make communities work — and who would have a much better quality of life, built by their own hard work, if the Federal government worked only in its Constitutional capacity.

That’s not to say that every individual that works in government does so with malicious intentions. And regardless of who is elected President, there’s still a chance for Americans to make this the election of a lifetime. This could be the one that after which the populace was awakened from a century and a half of political stupor.

People like Ron Paul have already set the machinations in place that could help the American people take back the Nation, starting in their very own communities, by illustrating the point that it is time for a political revolution wherein everyday people immerse themselves in government. Sitting at home and staying informed about what decisions are being made for you by the Federal government will no longer do; it’s time to change the way government works from the ground up.

Many people might say that this is an impossible and idealistic undertaking. But imagine the difference that could be made by such small steps as every county in the Nation working to ensure that its sheriff would uphold the U.S. Constitution to the hilt and defend it against Federal assaults at all costs. That would equate to more than 3,000 American lawmen in charge of departments dedicated to defending the Constitution. The same could be done with councilmembers, mayors, prosecutors, judges and commissioners. It’s a daunting task, but organizing in communities is much easier than attempting to sway the result of corporate- and media-controlled national elections.

There is an anecdotal story that often makes rounds in liberty circles: Two thousand years ago, a Roman Senator suggested that all slaves wear white armbands to better identify them. “No,” said a wiser Senator, “If they see how many of them there are, they may revolt.”

After the election, no matter the outcome, lay aside the partisan squabble and put on your proverbial white armband. Encourage your family, friends and neighbors to do the same regardless of political differences. If the criminal class in Washington D.C. sees how many people there are willing to work in communities across the Nation to put America back on the path to righteousness in the big, Constitutional ways first (focusing on the political campaign rhetoric fodder only after the real work is done), they just may clean up their acts. Or at least they may fear the populace enough to cede power back to the people.

If not, things are going to get much worse before they ever get better.

The Election That Spawned A Revolution : Personal Liberty Digest™