Facing the Homeless in America

Posted on November 18, 2013 by Henry Shivley

This past week I found myself in the city of Eugene, Oregon, taking care of some personal business, when a chance encounter occurred, which truly brought the magnitude of our current situation front and center. We had lunch at an Arby’s restaurant and as we were leaving, I saw a lady standing on the sidewalk. She had two cloth bags with what appeared to be her clothes, hastily packed therein. She looked confused and this caught my notice.
In the city of Eugene, you will see countless homeless people, carrying signs and pan handling. For some it has become a way of life, but the lady I encountered was different. She was obviously brand new to the streets. I asked my wife, is she homeless? To which she replied, I think so. She was not asking for money from anyone. She was just standing there, scared, cold, and hungry. She knew the food and warmth were right there and she was desperately in need of both. But that was apparently as close as she could get.
We had just eaten and I had enough gas to get home. I had a $5 bill left in my pocket. I told my wife I was going to give her the $5 and she agreed. As I pulled it out of my pocket, I was looking at the lady. She saw me and as she walked toward me, I could see the pure desperation in her eyes. She looked disheveled but she was clean. She was not a [COLOR=#009900 !important]drug addict or someone who just decided to migrate to the streets. As I said earlier, she was new to this.
I handed her the $5 and she thanked me. I watched her go straight into the restaurant, leaving her possessions on the sidewalk.
This past week, there has been an outpouring of concern for the people devastated by the typhoon in the Philippines; people all of the sudden made homeless and hungry, and it is right that there should be, but what about this lady who is an American national, who probably worked a large portion of her life to support herself and this country? And there are millions more just like her being put out on the street every day and they are as helpless as the people in the Philippines.
We American nationals should be ashamed of ourselves as we stand by and watch our people being abused. A lot of the so called conservatives have been praising the $4 billion cut to food stamps, which they pushed via a propaganda campaign centered on fraud and abuse. But when the cut came, did they cut fraud and abuse? Oh no.
This was an across the board cut, which means those American nationals, formerly of the middle class, who paid into the so called safety net for 20, 30, or 40 years before being wiped out via the international corporate fraud who are now living in tent cities with only food stamps to feed them, went from $5.68 per day for food to $5.35 per day.
And of course the illegal Mexican national with six children who has never paid one dollar into the system, yet draws not only food stamps but full welfare, might have lost $50 out of $2000 per month. The true scammers who are sanctioned by the communists will just add another social security number and get even more.
This is not about getting the welfare frauds. It is about starving American nationals into submission, while further transferring the wealth, not from the middle class to the poor, but rather from the middle class to the corporate elite, who, by contract, get to keep every dollar they can take from the poor through any means.
This is an out and out campaign to turn us away from our own people in need by lumping them in with the fraud being committed by the invasion of foreign nationals. If we are to endure a judgment it will be for turning our backs on our own people in our pathetic attempt to gain favor with the elite who are intent on enslaving and killing us all.
By the way, giving that poor lady my last $5 did absolutely nothing to ease my conscience as I was headed home with a full stomach to a house to sleep in. Shame on us all for our failure to take care of our own.
God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.
