The Ku Klux Klan was the creation of southern Democrats, Blacks have long been abused in America, but not by conservatives

The Regression of Harry Reid

By Joy Tiz
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

No sensible American denies that blacks were treated abominably in the past. Slavery was a national ignominy as was segregation. It’s worth noting that Democrats have always been on the wrong side of civil rights. The Ku Klux Klan was the creation of southern Democrats. Some of us are growing weary of being charged with racism by the party that has a former Klansman serving in the senate.

Blacks have long been abused in America, but not by conservatives. The Communist Party, ever on the lookout for a group to exploit, has always cultivated interracial tension. The useful idiots on the Left rely on divide and conquer. Inciting racial antagonism contaminates the culture and destabilizes the country. Racial harmony provides no advantage to liberals and Misery Merchants. When liberals start howling about racism, the question that must always be asked is: who benefits?

The Left has never cared about minorities. Like Hitler, it’s the Left that persists in segregating Americans into groups. If liberals really gave a damn about minorities, they would defy the teachers’ unions and support charter schools.
Most conservatives recall Dr. Martin Luther King’s appeal to judge a man by the content of his character rather than the color of his skin. We said okay. It is liberals who think racial color blindness is a form of racism. In point of fact, there are so few conservative racists that liberals have had to invent pretend code words and then try to catch conservatives using them in their tireless effort to keep grievances alive. Like all tyrants, liberals govern through fear. It is almost farcical to note that Hitler accused other parties of being “divisiveâ€