Obama is a false, inexperienced leader and a usurper with an evil agenda

The Axeman Cometh!

By Ron Ewart
Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Axeman cometh to destroy freedom, not to preserve it. Barack Hussein Obama is a false, inexperienced leader and a usurper with an evil agenda and may be an illegitimate president as well. This man is a socialist, a communist and a Marxist. He is a hustler, a con man, a snake-oil salesman. This man is an apologist and an appeaser and bows to our enemies.

This man is not proud of America, he abhors it and he is seeking his own brand of reparations by tearing America down, at home and abroad.

This unstable, dangerous man has his finger on the trigger of nuclear Armageddon.

This man has convinced the ignorant and naïve among us that he is a savior, the Messiah, the One, a God, who can do no wrong. But in fact, this man is evil incarnate.

He intends to bury capitalism, the engine of our prosperity. He has and will continue to nationalize businesses and levy massive regulations on those he has not nationalized. He will bulldoze our property rights in the name of the cult known as radical environmentalism, brought to us by an organization infiltrated with despots, dictators, socialists and communists ..... the United Nations.

He will rob us of the energy needed for a growing economy and replace it with very costly, inefficient energy that produces but a fraction of what oil, coal, natural gas and nuclear energy can produce. As a result, prices of everything will rise.

He will significantly reduce jobs and productivity and send industry heading for more friendly shores.

He will pick winners and losers at his own whim, that is clearly not the job nor the purview of government in a free country.

He will engender, if not promote, mediocrity, decreasing productivity and low self esteem to make him look larger and more God like.

He will try to disarm a country that is free today because of the 2nd Amendment.

He will dismantle our health care system, make it more costly and ration health care for the elderly.

He will plunder the public treasury to buy votes and in the process dilute the value of our currency and lead us into the abyss of hyper inflation.

He will allow the rapid increase of our population by fostering illegal immigration and grant amnesty to those who would break our laws, flaunt our generosity and exploit our safety nets.

He will work tirelessly to increase his power by circumventing the constitutional limits on that power.

He will re-distribute the wealth of this once-great nation, according to his distorted image of equality for all.

He will dissolve the Judeo-Christian moral and spiritual glue that binds our culture together, by promoting his secular agenda and Muslim background.

He will increase abortion and the killing of our precious unborns, who have no voice and he will allow our public dollars to pay for national and international abortions.

He will erode American sovereignty by signing international treaties that will take away parents rights, gun rights and severely restrict our open sea rights and turn them over to a world body.

This man will rip the very fabric of our liberty. He will destroy the foundation of our freedom. And he will burn the constitution.

But worse, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Leader Harry Reid and their Democrat enablers, aid and abet this usurper’s radical agenda, giving him even more power.

All these things Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the Democrats will do ….. that is, if free Americans let them.

Our freedom and liberty were and are a gift from our creator and a huge price has been and is now being paid to preserve, protect and defend that gift. It cannot be banished or dissolved by one man or a group of individuals who have forgotten that their power is granted to them by the Consent of the Governed and is significantly limited by the document from which our freedom was born, our constitution ..... a document to which most leaders and way too many Americans, have strayed.

Thomas Jefferson wrote appropriately in the Declaration of Independence, That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

The foundation of our liberty has been severely eroded over the last 100 years and it is way past time to reverse those erosions. We can alter our government and return it to the vision of our Founding Fathers, but it is going to take tens of millions of Americans who will commit to give their voices and their actions to and in support of those alterations .... if we wish to avoid a third American revolution.

Please join with those of us who are working on your behalf to implement the changes needed to reclaim our liberty. Find an organization in your area and get involved ..... now ..... today! The preservation of our very freedom depends on millions of Americans to push back on government so that government gets a clear message ..... unconstitutional actions and the destruction of our freedom and sovereignty will not be tolerated.

NOTE: We have produced this article as a YouTube Video as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_1XRtg3JtE
