Obama asking for three dollars

Barack: Grinding out change, inch-by inch

By Barack Obama Wednesday, October 27, 2010
From: Barack Obama info@barackobama.com
Date: October 26, 2010 4:16:14 PM EDT
To: cfp@canadafreepress.com
Subject: Please, chip in what you can


Right now, the same special interests that we’ve fought for two years are flooding the airwaves with negative ads. They don’t have the courage to stand up and disclose the identity of their donors. They could be insurance companies. They could be Wall Street banks. We don’t know.

This kind of politics isn’t just a threat to Democrats. It’s a threat to our democracy.

And the only way to fight back is with millions of voices, ready to stand up and finish what we started in 2008. That means you. And we have just seven days to do it.

The reason you knocked on doors, made phone calls, chipped in what you could, and cast your vote in 2008 was because you believed that your actions could make a difference and you could play a role in bringing about historic change. You were right.

But the next seven days are a pivotal moment in that continuing fight for historic change. And I need you again to do everything you can.

Because this moment is so crucial, Organizing for America is pairing every grassroots donor who gives today with another individual giving what he or she can afford.

Please donate $3 right now, and it will become $6 because another person out there is ready to invest in this movement with you.

We are not just calling for change, we are grinding it out. We are doing the hard, frustrating, inch-by-inch, day-by-day, week-by-week work of bringing about change.

I understand that when you’re watching it, you say to yourself, this is hard. This isn’t happening as fast as I would like.

But I want you to understand this. You cannot let it get to you. Don’t ever let anybody tell you that this fight is not worth it. Don’t let them tell you that you’re not making a difference.

Because of what you did, there’s a woman somewhere who no longer has to choose between keeping her home and treating her cancer.

Because of you, there are parents who can look their children in the eye and say, “You are going to college.â€