Where the big money comes from

The 1% of the 1%

They don't make, they manipulate

"Rich" is not the guy who creates a business that actually makes things and employees people.

This is about the people who've made their money riding the debt explosion.

Never have so many made so much in so little time doing so little of value.

The real meat doesn't kick in until the 5 minute mark.

Hang in there. This is not a "soak the rich" video. It's pointing out how our economic system has been wildly distorted by the Fed.

An insightful video on how our economic
system has been massively distorted in
the last 12 years.

This distortion has been in play for decades,
but we really hit the accelerator after
the DOT COM crash.

RealEcon TV takes a look at the Super Rich
and they're global greed game.

NOTE: The first few minutes of this video comes
across like "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous",
but after that it gets very real and really good.

Where the big money comes from...


Social costs Where the big money comes from

- Brasscheck

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