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    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    ISIS Jihadists Runs New Jihad Campaign Featuring Treasonous John McCain- Barrys BoyZ

    Freedom Outpost

    ISIS Jihadists Runs New Jihad Campaign Featuring Treasonous John McCain Alongside Syrian Islamists : Freedom Outpost

    ISIS Jihadists Runs New Jihad Campaign Featuring Treasonous John McCain...

    Back in 2013, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) decided to take a trip over to Syria to...
    Freedom Outpost

    ISIS Jihadists Runs New Jihad Campaign Featuring Treasonous John McCain Alongside Syrian Islamists

    Tim Brown June 23, 2014

    Back in 2013, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) decided to take a trip over to Syria to visit Syrian jihadists, known al-Qaeda members who are the enemies of the United States. The senator even posed for a picture with these terrorists and would later seek to arm them via American tax dollars against the Assad government in Assyria. At the time, even Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) blasted the Arizona senator for posing with pictures with known terrorists. Well, now that little photo op has come home to roost. ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) has now used the infamous photo in a new jihad campaign.

    Fire Andrea Mitchell reports:
    Isn't it nice to know that the US government is talking out of one side of their mouths and doing the complete opposite on the other side? Remember in 2013 when John McCain made that trip to Syria to hang out with ISIS radicals? Now, ISIS is using that photo of them hanging with John McCain as propaganda for themselves.

    This 2013 photograph of John McCain is being circulated by members of ISIS as a photo of him with members of some of their members in Syria.

    The poster does not specify which of the men is actually from ISIS or "Al Qaeda In Iraq" as they were once called.
    At that time last year, I wrote:
    Senator John McCain (R-AZ) slipped off quietly to go and meet with Syrian rebels, which we have reported prior to now are the forces of Al-Qaeda, who are supposed to be our enemy. Yeah, I'm feeling a little Orwellian right now. …the Syrian rebels are…. They are foreign professional terrorists tied to Al-Qaeda.

    Wanting to arm Syrian rebels is nothing new for McCain or other Republicans like Lindsey Graham for that matter. The Guardian reported last year that the Syrian rebels were members of Al-Qaeda and GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney wanted to arm them, though he threw in a caveat about not arming terrorists.
    Keep in mind that Senator McCain would have Americans indefinitely detained without due process for something like this under the 2012 NDAA that he voted for. However, since he is an elitist, that law will not be applied to him.

    At the time, Elizabeth O'Bagy, political director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force said, "This was the start of a really important engagement between various forces in the U.S. government and people in the civilian and armed opposition who are working together to fight for a free Syria."

    "Senator McCain proved today you can very easily go and meet with these people," she said. "He's the first U.S. senator to step foot in free Syria and one of the first government officials to reach out to the FSA officials and that's a huge step."
    Months later, McCain would hire O'Bagy, an al-Qaeda sympathizer, as an advisor, even though she padded her credentials, according to The Cable.

    In April, McCain put forward a plan that would put more shoulder-fired stinger missiles in the hand of Syrian Jihadists, the same Syrian jihadists that compose ISIS in Iraq.

    If siding with the enemies of the United States weren't enough, Senator McCain also bashed Syrian Christian leaders during a meeting in Washington in which they provided negative feedback against the Syrian jihadists, which McCain didn't want to hear. His partner in crime, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, apologized for his "tantrum."

    As for the ISIS campaign, Pamela Geller comments, "He was warned by us repeatedly. But the blowhard blew harder. In an Anderson Cooper interview, Senator McCain claimed, "We can identify who these people are. We can help the right people." And who does he think the right people are?"

    "Those "right' people, ISIS, are running this photo as part of an online ad campaign," she adds. "John McCain the face of a thousand beheadings."

    John McCain is what Marine Blaine Cooper called him, a traitor. However, he is also the poster boy for Islamic jihad in Iraq.

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  2. #2
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    Muslim Men Openly Raping Women in Iraq

    By Onan Coca / 25 June 2014

    We’ve covered the disgusting practices of Muslim jihadists on these pages before.

    From the evil murdering of innocent civilians, to the barbaric pillaging of Christian villages, to the rationalization that gay anal sex (yep) is okay if done in the name of jihad.
    Remember when Muslim religious leaders were issuing statements telling the Islamic world that Muslim fighters in Syria were allowed to rape whoever they wanted because of the hardships they were facing in battle?

    Sunni Saudi Wahabi Preacher Issues Fatwa Allowing Jihadis to Rape Syrian Women and girls

    Well, now once again, we see the insatiable (and evil) appetites of Islamic militants as they demand Iraqi families provide their daughters for illicit sex. Terrorists fighting in Iraq are demanding a similar dispensation for themselves that fighters in Syria received. Apparently they feel like the hardships they are suffering in their fight for terror is too tough, and they should get to rape people so they feel better.

    This is Islam folks.
    ISIS fighters have told families in Iraq to hand over their daughters for sex, saying that the women must sleep with militants in order to cleanse themselves.

    According to the Mirror, leaflets in the captured cities of Mosul and Tikrit claim the women - virgins or not - must join jihad, or Holy war, and cleanse themselves by sleeping with militants.
    Last year, a Saudi-based cleric issued a fatwa allowing jihadists to rape women in Syria.
    The practice is now happening in Iraq.
    It is claimed that the militants have warned that those who refused to abide by the fatwa were violating God's will, and would be beaten and killed.

    Are you starting to get it? Are we all starting to realize that the Islam of the people leading in the Middle East is barbaric and disgusting?
    They are claiming that because they are murdering innocent Shiite Muslims and the Iraqi government forces, they should get to rape innocent women too. What twisted religion teaches something like that? What kind of grotesque culture allows it?

    Modern day Islam.

    We could call them extremists, but the extremists are starting to outnumber the moderates, aren’t they? We see examples of this extremism in England, France, Germany, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Malaysia, India and Pakistan… where are the moderates? The moderates don’t seem to be in charge anywhere, do they?

    Wake up America. This is the Islam that is spreading. This is the Islam that reaches for our shores.


    Last edited by kathyet2; 06-25-2014 at 11:34 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    Christian Father Commits Suicide After ISIS Members Rape Wife and Daughter in Front of Him Because He Couldn't Pay Poll Tax

    By Leonardo Blair , CP Reporter
    June 25, 2014|3:08 pm

    (Photo: Reuters)ISIS militants in Iraq.

    Video at the page link:

    A Christian father who watched his wife and daughter get brutally raped by members of the militant group, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) because he couldn't pay them a poll tax in Mosul, Iraq, killed himself under the weight of the trauma this past weekend.
    A report from the Assyrian International News Agency said ISIS began enforcing Islamic laws in the northern Iraq city which they overran on June 10.
    Dr. Sallama Al-Khafaji of the Iraq High Commission for Human Rights said the incident happened on Saturday after ISIS began asking Christians in Mosul for a poll tax.
    "In one instance, ISIS members entered the home of an Assyrian family in Mosul and demanded the poll tax (jizya). When the Assyrian family said they did not have the money, three ISIS members raped the mother and daughter in front of the husband and father. The husband and father was so traumatized that he committed suicide," said the report.
    "The Christians have told me that they cannot pay this tax," Dr. Al-Khafaji told AINA, "and they say 'what am I to do, shall I kill myself?'"
    Four Christian women were also reportedly shot dead by ISIS members because they were not wearing veils.
    U.S. officials told CNN that they believe ISIS now has about 10,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria and the group has been functioning as an "increasingly capable military force."

    According to a spokesman for Iraq's counterterrorism service, two senior ISIS members – an Algerian militant named Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and Abu Hafsa, self-styled governor of Tikrit – were killed late Monday during airstrikes in Tikrit, famous for being the hometown of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Iraqi Kurdish President Massoud Barzani and other officials on Tuesday and Barzani painted a dire picture of security.
    "We are facing a new reality and a new Iraq," Barzani told Kerry.
    Barzani told CNN Monday that it may now be time for Kurds to push for their independence from Iraq because the country was crumbling.
    "Iraq is obviously falling apart," he said. "And it's obvious that the federal or central government has lost control over everything. Everything is collapsing – the army, the troops, the police."
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