Sunday, April 22, 2012

Obama: Creating Chaos to Bring in Martial Law?

It is obvious the President has taken drastically measures to grab power that is not rightfully his. You look at the latest executive order call National Defense Resource Preparedness that is the takeover of every piece of infrastructure within the United States. We have the NDAA, which eliminates Habeas Corpus that authorizes the US Military to detain people indefinitely without charge on a hunch; He has almost everything in place to make an attempt top crack down on the American population.

He has tried to through his Justice Department to stir up racial strife over the Treyvon Martin case. This has failed miserably because many black Americans have awoken to the race pimps and the agitators trying to stir the pot. They tried to have the Black panthers and the White Supremacy groups out there trying to provoke an incident to start a race war to justify the President declaring a national emergency so he can implement Martial law under FEMA.

The President is desperate to clamp down on the American people. Now I hear that agent provocateurs will be in Chicago for the NATO conference. The windy city were corruption is rampant were Obama has his beginnings in politics. This is the city also where the President's former White House Chief of Staff Rham Emmanuel is now the Mayor presiding over one of the most corrupt political machines in the nation. I can see riots being staged by foundation paid anarchist while the police stand down like happened at the WTO conference in Seattle in the late 1990s to demonize the peaceful protesters.

Obama though Operation Fast and Furious tried to attack the second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms by shipping guns into Mexico giving them to the drug cartels to start border wars to blame law abiding gun owners for the deaths has backfired. He was hoping he could confiscate the guns using this false flag attack on our right to self-defense by owning firearms. Now people are now accelerating the sale of firearms to 1.5 million sales a month now to 5 to 7 million a month in gun sales. The reason why people are buying guns is the economic implosion and they plain old do not trust Obama and the government.

I really think this President has taken off more then he can chew. I do not think he will not be able to disarm the people. A good portion of the Police or Military will not go along with his orders. Many county Sheriffs will not comply with DHS directives or his bogus national emergency. If Obama tries to create chaos to crack down on the American people with any excuse he can use. His next move forward trying to install a hot tyranny will be enough excuse for the American people to push him back. Obama has shown his hand for what he really is all about and his real agenda. He wants to start the red terror as it was done in Russia in the 1920s. It will not happen. The only chaos that will happen is he and his minions running to air force one to escape to Kenya. Order out of chaos will not work here when everyone knows what he is trying to do. Too many Americans know too much.

If Obama tries to implement Martial law, he will be pushed back, when that happens, it will too late when the President and his global masters have bitten off more then what they can chew. They can use science and psychology to try to manipulate the people. Now matter how much they try to control the minds of people. The human spirit to be free always will prevail when good triumphs over evil. American as a republic will survive.

Posted by realman2020 at Sunday, April 22, 2012 3 comments

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