Quote Originally Posted by Bowman
Quote Originally Posted by Judy
I support protected trade. I support raising the tariffs to save good jobs in our country. We need tariffs on many many many more products to balance these
I totally agree, the only thing we have to watch out for is the dues from those newly rehired workers going straight to ACORN and the SEIU.
Thank you Bowman! And yes, ACORN needs to be shut down like all the other political action committees posing illegally as "charities". Keep in mind that when we pass the FairTax, ACORN will be bankrupt and out of existence along with National Council of La Raza, it's 300 affiliates, MALDEF, Southern Poverty Law Center, the tax-exempt side of the ACLU, the ADL, the Family Research Council and thousands of others of these phony self-centered anti-American political organizations sucking the life out of our economy and treasury lining their over-paid pockets with tax-exempt contributions.

And frankly, I do believe that when we stop illegal immigration and deport illegal aliens, the membership of SEIU will dwindle so low that they'll probably fold as well. I support unions and the people's right to join them, but I also support state Right-To-Work laws and non-union employers who treat their employees properly and hire legal workers.

When we:

1. stop illegal immigration
2. pass the FairTax
3. protect our trade
4. legalize/regulate/tax under 2 the illegal drug trade
5. drill baby drill

there will be so many good jobs with good companies who want to pay the wages, provide the benefits, ensure safe working conditions, and treat their American Workers with the respect they so richly deserve, there really won't be a role for unions in those companies because there will be no cause for unions to fight with most of these employers. Remember, it's our best corporations and highest grade employers who have relocated their operations offshore. Those are the ones we want back home where they belong hiring American Workers to produce our products for the American Market. I hope the companies that hired illegal aliens all go broke and are replaced with good corporate citizens who love America and want to make money serving US with great products and services made by American Workers.

To those who don't want to come home and serve the American Market hiring American Workers, then fine, keep your sleezy plants in China and sell your toxic over-priced products to the Chinese.