VIDEO: Phony War on Terror Set for Expansion? Right on Schedule, Egypt Considers Islamic Rule ...

Saturday, May 26, 2012 – by Staff Report

The Muslim Brotherhood is reaching out to rivals including politicians knocked out of the presidential race in an attempt to rally support around its own candidate who faces a runoff against Hosni Mubarak's last prime minister, Ahmed Shafiq ... Warning of "determined efforts to recreate the old regime," the Brotherhood said parties that supported the uprising that swept Mubarak from power must unite "so that the revolution is not stolen from us." It is a choice that many Egyptians are not relishing, either out of fear that a Shafiq victory would mark a blow to hoped-for reform or out of worry a Brotherhood victory would steer the country towards fundamentalist rule. – Reuters

Dominant Social Theme: Watch out for the rise of Islamic regimes.

Free-Market Analysis: In this short video (below) entitled, "Egypt: Election results present a Horrifying Scenario," our predictions about Middle Eastern politics seem to be coming true.

Yes, we've been pointing out the obvious for the past year ... that throughout the Middle East, the US and NATO have destabilized mostly secular regimes: Tunisia, Egypt, Libya the Ivory Coast and now Syria.

In each case, the door has been left open for Islamic or fundamentalist regimes to take over. And in Egypt this is probably happening. In Libya, too – and in the Ivory Coast. In Syria, we shall likely see it as well.

Why are the US and NATO interested in creating what we call an Islamic crescent in the Middle East?

Certainly, it is this war that has given the power elite the justification to advance ever-more authoritarian governmental edicts throughout the West. The idea is to move the world, apparently, toward global governance – and to do so by force of legislation using the power of the state.

But the justification needs expansion. The war on terror, as it is, is not convincing enough. And so it is likely being expanded.

People speculate that the West is launching these wars for oil or for control, or for purposes, generally, of exploitation. But we've always thought there was a bigger pattern at work.

We even predicted that the Muslim Brotherhood would be key, controlled as it is apparently by Western Intel. This is convenient is it not? Not only has the West managed to expand the Islamic bugaboo, it's done so by installing a kind of controlled opposition.

All that is left to do now – if one sees some credibility within this scenario – is to search for power elite dominant social themes that seek to scare Western citizens about the emergent "threat" of Islamic fundamentalism.

The back-story to the Egyptian revolution is that it was supported at the topmost levels by the US State Department and "activist youth" trained in the US using the facilities of AYM.

Throughout the Middle East and upper Africa, the US purposefully destabilized these regimes. It's no secret. But the video below – a product of mainstream elite promotions – doesn't mention this deliberate destabilization. It just focuses on the result: The terrible possibility of Islamic rule in Egypt.

And thus the "war on terror" expands. Don't believe us? See for yourself ...

(Video from SignsofThyComing's YouTube user channel.)

The Daily Bell - VIDEO: Phony War on Terror Set for Expansion? Right on Schedule, Egypt Considers Islamic Rule ...-