Debt Bubble Chronicles: We Are Now Paying for the Destruction of the US Dollar and Economy… Literally

Interest-Rates / US Debt
Dec 30, 2010 - 11:55 AM

By: Graham_Summers

We just hit another milestone in insanity.

I’ve written before that thanks to its QE lite and QE 2 programs, the Fed is now officially the single, largest owner of US debt. However, even that nonsense pales in comparison to the Fed’s latest accomplishment, that of owning over $1 TRILLION in US debt.

That’s right, as of yesterday afternoon the Fed now owns over $1 trillion in US debt. This amounts of over 7% of the US’s total debt, own by our central bank.

Now, may commentators have pointed out the various ways in which this policy has endangered the US’s balance sheet, economic clout, and currency. However, there’s one element that NO ONE seems to have picked up on. That is…

You, me, and everyone else in the US, is now PAYING the Fed for its insane, anti-Middle class policies.

Remember, we are continually paying the debt via interest payments drawn up from tax receipts. Thus, by buying up US Treasuries, the Federal Reserve is in effect reaping interest payments from the US populace.

Now, consider that none of us had any say in the Fed’s policies, nor the appointment of our esteemed Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke. None of us voted for him. None of us influenced his policies. And, at this point, virtually none of us approve of what he’s doing.

But ALL of us are NOW paying him and the Fed for doing it. In fact, because the Fed is officially the single, largest owner of US debt, the Fed is, in effect, raking in more money from our debt situation than ANYONE else on the planet.

Thus, we are paying LITERALLY for the insane policies of the US Federal Reserve. Never mind abstract arguments of “payingâ€