In the Midst of the Big Bang of 2008, Economic Collapse Has Already Occurred

Economics / Financial Crash
Feb 11, 2011 - 12:36 PM

By: Mac_Slavo

In the 1930’s Georges Lemaître presented the theory that our universe started with a Big Bang. For the better part of the 20th century, it was assumed that the Big Bang event took place in a matter of a few seconds and sent the necessary elements for everything from magnetism to stars to life flying throughout the universe.

In the 1990’s, two Bell Labs researchers, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, were experimenting with a radio wave antenna to improve telecommunications when they happened across a faint, but constant ‘noise’ surrounding the planet. They weren’t sure exactly what it was. At first, they thought their antenna wasn’t working properly. A short time later, after scientists from Princeton University searching for remnants of the Big Bang learned of Penzias’ and Wilson’s discovery, they realized that the noise was actually cosmic microwave radiation believed to be ‘left over’ from the Big Bang.

What they found was evidence, not only of the theoretical bang, but evidence that suggested we are still within the explosion itself. The universe is expanding, say scientists, and by default, that suggests the original explosion has not yet dissipated.

The most intriguing part, at least to this author, is that during all this time, we had no idea that we are actually living within the explosion as it continues to further expand the universe. There are, of course, alternate theories to the Big Bang, as well as the reasons for why our universe continues to expand at an ever increasing rate of speed, but hopefully this analogy will help some to grasp the following concepts as they relate to our economy and global events.

We often discuss “collapseâ€