Notice that the robbers had GUNS.

Aussie Shopkeeper Uses Improvised Flamethrower On Robbers

10:25 AM 02/01/2016
President Obama sure likes to cite Australia’s strict gun laws. Remember when he said this, back in June 2014?

“Couple of decades ago, Australia had a mass shooting, similar to Columbine or Newtown. And Australia just said, well, that’s it, we’re not doing, we’re not seeing that again, and basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws, and they haven’t had a mass shooting since.”

Sounds like paradise. Get rid of the guns and you get rid of the gun crimes. Whew!

How’s your firearms-free utopia workin’ out for ya, Australia? 9News, Brisbane:

A quick-thinking store owner in Redland City has launched a surprise attack against two armed robbers with the help of an improvised flamethrower.
CCTV video shows the moment Alexandra Hills shop owner Dan Rigney defended himself against two armed thugs using insect spray and a lighter.

Fortunately, dangerous shopkeeper Dan Rigney didn’t have a gun or somebody could’ve gotten hurt.

I still don’t like it, though. Why is Rigney allowed to have bug spray and a lighter? Look at what he almost did to those two innocent bystanders with his unprovoked attack. It’s fitting that they decided to retaliate by helping themselves to his money, but he never should’ve been able to throw flame at them in the first place.

It’s time for Australia to ban anything that can be used to make an improvised flamethrower. Bug repellant? Bzzt. Oven cleaner? Clean it out. Hairspray? Cut.And cigarette lighters? Why does the average citizen need a cigarette lighter? Ban it.

For that matter, they should ban fire altogether. Do you have any idea how many people die in fires every year? How many kids? I don’t know the exact numbers, but I’m sure it’s a lot. Use your heads, people: Fewer fires = fewer deaths from fire. Nobody should have the means to make a fire, for any reason, ever.

Unless you hate children and want them to die?