Iran and its Nuclear Program

The Ghost of Neville Chamberlain looms large

By Aaron Cantor
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The colossal naivete’ amongst the self important and conceited elites in Washington, starting right at the very top (the smartest guy in the room, just ask him), is just unbelievable.

Do you clowns really believe you can negotiate with Iran or trust anything they say?

Mohamed El Baradei the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, has been being played like a fish on a line for the whole 12 years of his tenure as head of that agency, perhaps he chose to be played, we may never know.

I keep remembering Neville Chamberlain on his return from Munich after negotiating with Adolph Hitler, getting off the airplane waiving that silly piece of paper and yelling “Peace In Our Time, Herr Hitler signed my paperâ€