by Tom DeWeese
December 17, 2009

Rarely has a political movement with so much power collapsed so fast, certainly not since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Beginning in 1990, Global Warming has been the battle cry behind schemes for global control of industry, energy use, water use, private property and community development. It has been the excuse for economy-killing legislation like Cap and Trade (that will extract $865 billion from an already overtaxed people who use energy), and global-to-local polices like Sustainable Development (that robs local communities of freedom to decide their own future development). As a result, the world economy is being transformed into a new Dark Ages of superstition and thought-control – all in the name of Global Warming – or more recently – Climate Change.

No stone has been left unturned in Global Warming zealotry and its drive to transform human civilization. It seemed the juggernaut could not be stopped. Proponents have controlled every branch of government, from federal to local. They have created international policy, from the 1992 Global Climate Treaty, to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, to the 15 annual meetings of the Climate Conference of the Parties (COP) with nearly 200 national delegations in attendance, and much more.

And of course, their fellow travelers in the media have deftly excluded any reports that may expose the Global Warming “consensus.â€