Back to Basics, tilling the fields, stockpiling, canning, food saving, sharing tips

The fine art of Survival and the New Frontier

By Judi McLeod
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The New Frontier that is springing into into life after two long years of Barack Obama is hard at work.

Down through the decades they’ve always been there, but only now are just coming into their own via growing numbers.

While the talking heads on television argue the pros and cons of the enemy in the White House, members of the New Frontier are checking out the information that matters (Farmer’s Almanac, seed catalogues and the like), tilling the fields, stockpiling, canning, food saving, sharing tips and making new friends.

They are following all paths to self-dependence, hunkering down, preparing to stay safe in any coming storm.

Theirs is a community organizing style that really works because it’s based on teaching and sharing with others, rather than leaning on politics.

The New Frontier has always included Canada Free Press (CFP) friends like Sarge, in Pennsylvania, Hank in Michigan, Dixie and Bettye in Texas. Now, thanks to the Internet, they are not only coming together but planning on staying together.

Unlikely leaders of the Back to Basics Movement are cropping up across North America. (Canada has its share of corrupt politicians, too). CFP’s own is the irrepressible, diamond in the rough, Doug Bronson (“Dubâ€