Political Reality

Posted by Charles K. on November 11, 2012 at 11:21am

Since my last post, right after the election, I've been doing some serious thinking and contemplating, something I'm all too familiar with. And as I talked with another coworker of mine (who's white, Catholic and a conservative) about the results. And I've come up with this conclusion: we screwed up.

Yet it's not our fault, partially, due to some circumstances. The game was lost before we even started playing, and we didn't see it, clearly enough.

Because we REFUSED to play with people's emotions.

We REFUSED to tell the electorate lies about our current situation.

We REFUSED to surrender to race-baiting, class warfare and favortism.

Instead, we appealed to people's logical side, to make them see the stark reality of where we are. Apparently, the electorate didn't like it, and went the other way, placing this socialist back in OUR House for four more years.

In all the campaigns I've seen in my 38 years of life, I've never seen one so maniacal and laced with hatred toward a candidate, filled with division and negativity.

It's absolutely ridiculous how liberals and Democrats get away with murder. But one thing is true: liberals have no shame or morality; if they see an opening, and it's negative, they'll run with it, regardless of the harm done to their opponent. They are ruthless.

Receiving the update letter from Grassfire founder Steve Elliott, it sums it up perfectly: we, the Tea Party and the conservative movement, have been pushed further into political exile.

And our country is undergoing a metamorphosis of negative proportions.

Due to three facts:

1) the electorate chose to think with their hearts rather than their HEADS

2) we, as a nation, have sided with our enemies instead of with our ally Israel, and

3) the majority have become lovers of ourselves instead of lovers of God. If I'm wrong about this, let me know.

I might be either citing Biblical prophecy or talking out of my head, but this is what I fear: the United States of America is on the precipice of entering into judgment, one that hasn't been seen since the times of Sodom and Gamorrah.

The foundation that our country was built upon has severely crumbled, to where we are not recognizing it as what it once was.

Almighty God, Jehovah, is not pleased with us, and will probably announce judgment on us as a nation. We've shunned Israel, sided with ones who want to destroy us, and are giving up our soverignty as we speak.

Reminds me of the words Benjamin Franklin answered to a woman after the first Continental Congress.

She asked 'what have you given us, Mr. Franklin?'

He answered 'a republic, ma'am, if you can keep it.'

I don't want to be the one to tell Mr. Franklin face to face 'we've lost it. On November 6, 2012, we've lost our republic.'

I hope this is not our future. God is slow to anger, yet He said that he'd always strive with men.

I personally want life and favor for our country instead of death and judgment.

But if things are destined to get worse before they get better, it is what it is.

So, Patriots, let's fight for the country we love.

We ARE the Defending Fathers, so let's act like it!

We have a long fight ahead, and if you thought the War of Independence was something, you ain't seen nothing yet!

Political Reality - Patriot Action Network