Gunning For Liberty

November 15, 2012 by Ben Crystal

Regular Personal Liberty Digestreaders likely noted Bob Livingston’s article detailing the U.N.’s plan to lean into America’s sovereign affairs and abscond with the 2nd Amendment.

Those who took the time to peruse Livingston’s work likely noticed the fact that President Barack Obama and his cabal of accomplices in Washington are happily helping them steer the getaway car, signing us up for renewed talks on the gun grab this spring.

Indeed, Obama has made clear his support of the U.N.’s plans, waiting mere hours after his re-election to do so. Hearkening back to his 2008 campaign, Obama clearly holds gun owners in low regard. After all, we’re just “bitter” and we “cling to guns or religion.”

But fret not, my dear patriot friends. I bring you glad tidings: No matter how many affirmative votes it holds on the issue of sovereignty-violating, internationally administered gun programs (the most recent went 157-0 with 18 abstentions), the U.N. has no chance to grab so much as an air rifle from your fists. For an organization whose members rarely do more than blow hot air at each other, the effort would be unimaginably complex.

First, the same U.N. pseudo-military clowns under whom our soldiers enjoyed serving in various theaters of war over the past 60 years would have to secure the active support of our military for such an operation. After all, every time the U.N. does anything involving force, it has to secure our participation, and that still doesn’t guarantee it won’t fumble the ball.

I have a number of friends in the 1st Ranger Battalion and the 3rd Infantry Division. I know these guys. I’m not saying I oppose the idea of some 15-star generalissimo from East Ongoolia (or wherever) trying to direct our own soldiers to violently abrogate the Bill of Rights; I’m just saying I want to be there when he tries — mostly so I can laugh at him while he tries to run in his jodhpurs.

Once violating the Posse Comitatus Act falls on its face, the next step would be to enlist law enforcement. But a huge number of law enforcement officers are also veterans. Good luck breaking that bond, U.N. You’ll end up being force-fed your darling blue helmets. And while there might not be a shortage of agents of the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives who will step up for a Ruby Ridge redux, an internationally coordinated invasion (and that’s what such a gun grab would entail) would have to contend with literally millions of resisters. And, in this case, they would all be armed. There’s no proof Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto ever actually said that “there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass,” but the lesson remains just as true whether the invaders march under the Rising Sun or the Big O.

And let’s not forget the single most perfectly defining characteristic of not only Democrats, but all politicians: an insatiable lust for authority. While the terrorism financiers, dictatorship apologists and Third World trash at the U.N. might harbor fantasies of a disarmed American populace bowing and scraping before their goose-stepping legions in their goofily overadorned dress uniforms, even the most repulsively left-wing stuffed suit knows the downside. A gun grab led by Americans would fail; a gun grab led by a U.N. force sans American muscle would result in a bigger beat down for the bad guys than the really cool parts of “Red Dawn.”

I say let Obama and his U.N. circus freaks give it the old college try. Give a shot at the high plains to a U.N.-force led by some Wesley Clark knockoff from Kazakhstan (think Borat with an infantry), and then see if it can match the killed-in-action totals from Little Big Horn. Give a Jordanian colonel a lift to downtown Detroit and see how he does disarming the gangbangers. For that matter, give some blue-helmeted peacock an order to come to my house and see who leaves wearing the fancy headgear.

I’m not suggesting we laugh off the internationalist threat to our God-given rights. Any time liberals start making time with the buffoons at the East River School for Scofflaws, every citizen’s ears ought to perk up. But the time for hunkering down in the underground bunker is not quite at hand. Go about your business, fellow patriots.

However, to borrow a phrase from my colleague Chip Wood: “Keep some powder dry.”

–Ben Crystal

Gunning For Liberty : Personal Liberty Digest™