Rand Paul: 1984′s Busting Out All Over

Posted on April 30, 2013 by Tad Cronn

Very soon, America may have cameras everywhere, Sen. Rand Paul told Eric Bolling on Fox News this weekend.

Paul noted that in response to the Boston Marathon bombings there have been calls for increased security measures at public events and anyplace the public gathers.

We must not allow the government to install security cameras and other surveillance devices “willy-nilly,” Paul said. “I think it’s important to note that it’s a slippery slope, and someday you may have cameras everywhere,” he noted.

He compared our situation to the George Orwell novel “1984,” which depicted a dictatorial society where everyone was watched all the time by government agents behind the supposedly benign facade of Big Brother.

Paul is getting a reputation as one of only a few politicians actually looking out for the American public and its rights. Earlier this year, his filibuster that forced President Obama to openly state that he would not use military drones to target and kill Americans in the United States won him praises even from the far Left.
Liberal statists quickly forgot that, of course, and soon returned to criticizing Paul simply for being a Republican and for existing.

But Paul’s point, that we are rapidly approaching a police state, is frighteningly accurate.

People who live in cities are already under surveillance almost anywhere they go, but mostly by privately owned cameras. Most of the Boston Marathon footage used to pinpoint the suspects was from private cameras.

But the government is spreading its surveillance capabilities daily, with cameras on public thoroughfares, government facilities and on the road.
Soon, the FAA and Homeland Security will be adding thousands of spy drones to the skies above America, some of them armed with sensors that can watch you through walls and ceilings.

Before you know it, we’re going to be living inside a 24-hour virtual cage, watched over by our government keepers.
“Think of 1984, where the cameras were in your bedroom, and in your dining room, everywhere. You never went a moment’s notice without being watched,” Paul said.

That future is just around the corner.

Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/10612/r...#ixzz2S9Ve45on