Insurance Move Aimed at Pricing Guns Out of Existence

California, as usual, is leading the Left in wackiness as liberals see their chances for eliminating guns fading after the Newtown slaughter.

When the latest nut job massacred a score of youngsters, the Left saw an opportunity to reach their long-held goal of eliminating guns, using a road paved with the bodies of children to achieve their dictatorial goals.

What they didn’t count on was resistance from the majority of Americans, including many who identify themselves as Democrats.

The result has been that their dream bill, introduced by California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, faces increasingly slim chances of passage.

So California Democrats have joined liberals in five other states to throw a legislative hail Mary pass in the form of a proposal to require gun owners to take out liability insurance.

“I was moved, like many others, being the father of two young children, by the Sandy Hook incident and looking for constructive ways to manage gun violence here in California as well as the rest of the country,” said Assemblyman Philip Ting of San Francisco, who introduced AB231. “There’s basically a cost that is born by the taxpayers when accidents occur. … I don’t think that taxpayers should be footing those bills.” The legislation is co-sponsored by Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez of Los Angeles.

Followers of politics should see multiple red flags here. First, any legislation originating in San Francisco and Los Angeles is trouble out of the gate. Second, any time a politician, particularly a liberal, leads off with his family, whatever follows is going to be nothing but spin to ingratiate himself to the people he hopes to screw over. Third, whenever a Democrat starts expressing concern about taxpayer costs, you can be 100 percent certain he’s proposing a plan to increase costs for those taxpayers.

Obviously, Adam Lanza wasn’t going to be stopped by any insurance plan, so this proposal isn’t about gun owners’ responsibility, cutting taxpayer costs or any of the other excuses liberals will use to justify another government mandate to require people to buy something.

Ting’s recent election campaign received significant donations from a number of insurance PACs, insurance associations, government insurance regulators and individual insurance brokers. Gomez’s recent election campaign received more than $20,000 from the insurance industry.

It doesn’t take much work to connect the dots here and see the insurance companies counting the potential profits gained by your loss of rights. It also doesn’t require much of a leap of imagination to envision the outcome of the effort to force gun owners to buy insurance.

The more liberals push their fascist gun-grabbing agenda, regardless of the justifications, the more likely they’ll find those guns being put to use as the Founding Fathers envisioned, to stop an out-of-control government.

Read more: Insurance Move Aimed at Pricing Guns Out of Existence : Political Outcast

Of course, then only the rich elites that support the Democrats can afford to own a gun.