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Your vote could be meaningless

In the 1980s our state department under Secretary of State George W. Shultz began the push for NAFTA. Our president and the leader of Canada signed a Canada-U.S. free-trade agreement. Later President George H W. Bush named Carla A. Hills as U.S. trade representative. In that post, she became the primary overseer and promoter of the NAFTA pact.

Now many of our fellow citizens are aware of the harm of NAFTA. We have reaped closed factories, lost jobs, more open borders and even judicial panels overruling U.S. court decisions.


During the campaign to fool the American people, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger authored a newspaper column in which he resoundingly supported everything about NAFTA. He stated, "it will represent the most creative step toward a new world order taken by any group of countries since the end of the Cold War and the first stop toward the even larger version of a free-trade zone for the entire Western Hemisphere."
That kind of endorsement should have been enough for members of Congress to reject the idea, but they approved the measure and, in so doing, moved our nation a giant step toward immersion into regional and then global governance. It will be a government of unelected elitists like those of the European Union which is euphemistically known as the new world order.

Fast forward now to 2006 when we find George Shultz and Carla Hills among numerous U.S. internationalists at a highly secret Sept. 12-14 gathering of U.S., Canadian, and Mexican heavyweights. Their goal? To promote the creation of the North American Union. These would-be rulers met at Alberta, Canada. No press was allowed at what was labeled for participants, the North American Forum.

Is the Presidents Security and Prosperity Partnership with Canada and Mexico part of the preliminary plans to get us immersed in their North American Union? If their plan for their North American Union is successful, the American voter will no longer be able to clean house when needed. We would have no control of the NAU because their leaders are not elected. Think about it!