WEBCommentary Contributor
Author: Andrew T. Durham
Bio: Andrew T. Durham
Date: March 2, 2008

Michael Savage is Right Again: Liberalism Really is a Mental Disorder

"The one mistake you made was in your head. Tell me, how do you sleep at night?" - John Lennon

Once again Independent radio talk show host Michael Savage is right: Liberalism is a mental disorder. A few years ago, Savage wrote a best selling book called "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder". Now Dr. Lyle Rossiter, Jr. has written a book called "The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness". Read more about this at WorldNetDaily.com

It would be simple for me to regurgitate the write-up about the book, but I am more interested in Michael Savage's record of accuracy. Savage, who has literally a world of experience and has authored 18 books, pegged this particular topic years ago. But Dr. Savage, like me, is more interested in gaining a visceral response from people - aiming for the soul and the gut - than a mathematically intellectual reality check. This, I believe, is why Savage is so amazingly popular among his listeners and not merely a cult of personality. Savage caught me in 2002 when a coworker suggested I listen to the show, which I did. I hated it. But after I actually heard what he was saying over the course of a week or two I was hooked and I have literally listened to his show nightly for 6 years.

For example, I listened rapt on Friday night, February 29th, as Savage intentionally boycotted talking about politics and the election, instead opting to talk about cars, boats, food and other things from his vast experience. I could not take my ears off the radio. It's not that I usually can, but it was his calm demeanor and his absolute command of numerous topics that was just so profound. It is rare that a true Renaissance man is recognized, and I rapidly realized that absolutely no one in talk radio could do what he did that night. No one. Savage draws you in and keeps you there and there is nothing fake about this man. Nothing. And he doesn't have a spare rat's ass to give about what anyone thinks about him. If only we all could achieve that level of ease with one's self.

Savage’s record of prediction is astounding, to be sure. He was right on the Dubai Ports debacle. He was right on Immigration Reform. He was right on the Nifong/Duke Lacrosse case, particularly now that the creature that falsely reported a crime is still free and not behind bars. And, most recently, he was right about the 3Com Corporation sale to China that just fell through due to “political pressure from Washingtonâ€