Obamamania has been exposed as a foolish hoax. What next from our inexperienced community organizer?

Netanyahu Waters Down Obama Kool-Aid, Stands Tall for Israel!

By John Lillpop
Monday, June 15, 2009

Some of the worst bureaucracies plaguing people, courtesy of their own tax dollars, nest undisturbed in town and city halls.

This is a classic textbook example of bureaucracy run amok from the Bristol Evening Post:

Welcome to the big leagues, Barack Obama!

After being whiplashed by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s upset victory in Iran on Saturday, President Obama was subjected to further abuse by Binyamin Netanyahu of Israel.

As reported, in part, at The Times

“Binyamin Netanyahu tonight endorsed the creation of a Palestinian state after weeks of pressure from Washington, but defied President Obama’s demand for a halt to all settlements.

“In a high-profile speech that the Palestinian administration of Mahmoud Abbas said “hobbles all efforts to save the peace processâ€