Obama’s “Unprecedented Act of Cowardice” Has This Congressman Fuming

Published on Jul 11, 2014
Representative Trent Franks from Arizona tears into the Obama administration over their feckless foreign policy and reactions to the Middle East crisis.

In today’s day and age, many Americans believe that there isn’t anything that Obama could do to surprise them anymore when it comes to his complete incompetence, but it appears they’d be wrong. Most recently Obama was slammed for his “unprecedented act of cowardice and betrayal” as he refuses to back Israel against Hamas terrorists.

Along the Palestine and Israel border, tensions are on the rise as Hamas terrorists continue to hurl rockets across national borders killing anyone that they can – including innocents and children. As Israel had begun to defend itself, some, including the likes of Obama, have criticized America’s ally for using far superior and devastating weapons than that of their attackers.
According to Congressman Trent Franks, “Last month Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas openly united with the evil terrorist group Hamas. And at this very moment, they are raining down rockets upon the innocent citizens of Israel.”
(See also: 3500 “Minutemen” Troops Converging To “Stop the Invasion” At The Border

He went on to inform those listening that, “Half of all Israelis have sought cover in bomb shelters across their tiny country, and the Obama administration has had the reprehensible gall to praise Abbas as someone who is, quote, ‘committed to non-violence and cooperation with Israel.’”

Franks went on to share that instead of backing our allies of many decades, he instead offered a, “flushed and breathless rush to embrace terrorists,” by saying, “Finally peace is possible.” He then laid the smack down by calling Obama’s words an, “unprecedented act of cowardice and betrayal,” towards Israel.
So what do you guys think – was Franks spot on? Let us know in the comments below.
H/T: Mr. Conservative


Now why would any one be surprised by this, this President is a Muslim, he has stated that fact. He has shown his true colors time and time again. He is against anything that is, Christian, and the American way of life, including our Constitution, and "for" anything that is anti - America and that includes her allies!! As far as I am concerned he is doing his best to destroy us and all we believe in and old dear...And with the help of these fools in the Congress and Senate he is doing just that, they bow down to him at every turn. There is a nest of traitors in our House!