Paul Ryan, Rights, Health Care, God and Confused Liberals
posted on July 2, 2012 by Tad Cronn

Paul Ryan, R-Wis, has liberals in a tizzy because he went on George Stephanopoulos’ show and talked about repealing Obamacare in the same breath with which he pointed out that rights come from God, not government.

Ryan’s comments were preceded by a clip of former Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Chappaquiddick, and an interview with his widow Victoria Kennedy, talking about how Kennedy had sought “affordable health care” as a “right, not a privilege.”

Liberals are apparently confused by the two concepts of “affordable health care” and “rights.”

That’s because the party line has been that Obamacare is the prior and the government has now given it to liberals as the latter.

So naturally liberal media are making fun of Ryan with headlines like that at RawStory: “Paul Ryan: Repeal health law because rights come from God.”

For my liberal friends, let me de-oversimplify that.

First, Obamacare is not “affordable health care.” It’s not even close. It’s already racked up prices, making the cost of providing health care to full-time employees about $5.50 per hour more expensive than it was previously. Because of that, as many as 70 percent of businesses in some surveys have said they will drop health insurance altogether and pay the “assessment,” which the Supreme Court ruled is a tax, despite the White House’s efforts since the ruling to say it’s not.

This in turn will dump thousands of employees into the no-insurance category. Whereas many workers already couldn’t pay for insurance when their employers were shouldering part of the cost, more won’t be able to afford anything like the coverage they had previously, if they can afford it at all.

The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that at least 4 million people will opt to pay the tax rather than get health coverage. I would guess that the actual number will be at least 10 times that as Obamacare does nothing to reduce health insurance costs and will create a whole new class of working people without coverage.

Then there’s the matter of affordable health care being a right. From a practical standpoint, Obamacare will do more to take away that right than to safeguard it.

Besides forcing more working people into the untenable position of having to shoulder the whole cost of health care insurance themselves, Obamacare has, and continues to, force more physicians out of their careers. The restrictions it places on medical practice in all subdisciplines have made continued operation untenable for many medical professionals. Besides added paperwork and recordkeeping for the government, Obamacare effectively reduces income for many doctors.

A survey released in early June by the Doctor Patient Medical Association found 83 percent of 700 surveyed doctors would consider quitting if Obamacare is upheld, which it was last week. Among other findings of the survey, 61 percent say the law challenges their ethics; 65 percent say government involvement is most to blame for the medical system’s problems; 49 percent said they will stop taking Medicaid patients; 74 percent said they will stop accepting Medicare patients; and 52 percent say they would rather treat some Medicaid/Medicare patients for free than deal with the government.

Medical professionals I’ve spoken with agree that the government’s system seems geared toward preventing payments to doctors rather than ensuring that they get paid properly for their services. Many of them simply expect to write off a large number of their Medicaid/Medicare patients because they know they won’t be paid by Uncle Sam.

So if you wanted to have your right to affordable health care protected, Obamacare was exactly opposite of what government should have done.

The good news on this point for my liberal friends is that you do have a right to health care. However, it didn’t just arrive with the Supreme Court ruling. You actually had it long before Obama came along, and doctors have for generations taken oaths to protect that right.

That’s because your right to health care, like other rights, comes from God, not government. Affordability is something that could always be negotiated with medical professionals, and that and quality of care might be reasonable government concerns in a limited context. But conscientious doctors have always recognized their responsibility to aid those in medical need. That responsibility is clearly spelled out in the Bible for doctors of Jewish or Christian faiths, but it is also part of the oaths administered to all doctors in the United States.

When Paul Ryan talked about repealing Obamacare and pursuing other legislative measures than a government takeover of the medical system, and then he discussed what he sees as a fundamental difference in the view of rights between liberals and conservatives, he was making the point that Obamacare is simply a power grab that restricts, rather than protects, your rights.

Chief Justice Roberts actually saw through the lies about Obamacare in making his ruling. It is a tax, and it is a shameless play for expanding government intrusion into private lives. Even as it grasps for power, Obamacare will destroy that system that liberals claimed to want to fix.

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Repeal Obamacare

Read more: Paul Ryan, Rights, Health Care, God and Confused Liberals - Godfather Politics