[My comment: look who's celebrating US health care reform! Why should THEY get the jobs? If you enjoyed calling customer service before, just wait till you or a loved one gets sick.]

Opportunity comes knocking on outsourcing firms' doors
23 Mar 2010, 0030 hrs IST, N Shivapriya, ET Bureau

MUMBAI: The outsourcing industry received its biggest bonanza yet with the US healthcare bill being passed by the House of Representatives. The opportunity that it throws up for outsourcers is huge and far bigger than the Y2K, which included only changing code, said experts. When the bill becomes law, it will bring around 32 million more Americans under insurance cover, pushing healthcare providers and insurance firms to become more efficient and opening up demand for less-expensive services, better technology and business intelligence.

“The opportunity is not at a company-level but at an industry level,â€