Iron Curtain Begins Descending onto the United States of America

Iron Curtain Begins Descending onto the United States of America
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by Sher Zieve, ©2011

Vladimir Lenin led the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, ushering in 72 years of communist oppression in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

(Dec. 2, 2011) — As Barack Hussein Obama’s real (internal) poll numbers continue to plummet into oblivion, Obama and his increasingly complicit Congress secretly pass laws that will enslave, incarcerate and even murder their fellow Americans–for the explicit purpose of those who are currently in power remaining in power. It is now becoming clearer and clearer that both the Marxist-Democrats and their RINO brothers and sisters may not allow the 2012 elections to occur.

The latest anti-liberty and unconstitutional atrocities include, but are not limited to, some of the following items:

1. DHS still lists Christians, anti-abortionists, homeschoolers, libertarians, conservatives and military rank and file as terrorists. Note: Islamists are still not included on the list.

2. Christian preachers are now being arrested, and often beaten up, by police. A few preachers who have been arrested include two Houston pastors who were arrested for (legally) preaching against homosexuality on the same corner for the past two years. One of the police officers told them that they were ‘doing nothing wrong’. That was just before the cops grabbed their video camera, forced them to the ground, placed them in handcuffs and took them to the station. The charges against them are unclear but appear to include preaching a message the Houston cops didn‘t like. However, WND reports: “Their hearing will be in Houston Municipal Court, which is run by [lesbian] Barbara E. Hartle, who, according to the Dallas Voice, is listed by the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund as “one of only a few out members of the Texas judiciary.â€