Democratic Youth Prefer Affordable Care Act to ObamaCare - Even Though They're The Same Thing

Kyle Becker
On December 28, 2013

Think media bias doesn’t affect elections? And by that, I mean the lamestream press mindlessly baaing the “Affordable Care Act” line without pointing out, well, yeah… it’s really not “affordable” and it’s not “care.”

Well, it matters. It’s not “ObamaCare,” it’s health insurance, and Obama and his Democratic pals are mandating that you young geniuses buy it — or else. So, check out the disparity between those who approve of the Affordable Care Act and “ObamaCare”: 13% of young Democrats prefer the former over the latter.

Psst… it’s the same thing, sherlocks.

Who knew Obama would become a poison pill for the Unaffordable Care Act in just four years?

According to the Harvard Millenials poll, only 22% of young Americans (those between 18 and 29 years old) plan to sign up for ObamaCare. Ouch, that’s a whole lot of fail right there.