Sound off on Ron Paul's plan to repudiate $1.6 trillion debt to Federal Reserve

~ It would wreak havoc with banking, international markets and confidence in the U.S. to pull a crazy stunt like this
~ It would be irresponsible and destabilizing to repudiate a legitimate debt in this way
~ If nothing else, it looks really bad. It's the kind of thing I'd expect Zimbabwe to do
~ I'd be concerned about all the unintended economic consequences of the government repudiating its debt to the Fed
~ It seems too good to be true - there must be a catch
~ I'd be delighted to see the federal government repudiate its debt to the Fed
~ We should pay our debts to individual bond holders and lenders like China, but there's no earthly reason to "pay back" a private banking cartel for money it created without doing any work
~ It's great. Americans shouldn't have to "repay" trillions of dollars, created out of thin air, to a secret cabal of bankers
~ It's terrific. But the government shouldn't just repudiate the QE2 debt - it should eliminate all debts owed to the Federal Reserve
~ This is so simple. An act of Congress will end the crisis and buy us six months to come up with a sane, long-term debt strategy
~ I cannot understand why House Republicans haven't gotten behind this plan
~ Other

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