Sprawling opium poppy field found in Moss Landing

Updated: 2:39 PM PDT May 14, 2018

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MOSS LANDING, Calif. — A giant opium poppy field in Moss Landing was found and destroyed by Monterey County Sheriff's deputies, investigators said Monday.

Sheriff's deputies discovered the sprawling field of flowers along the 500 block of Dolan Road last week.

"They were able to confirm that the field was in fact Papaver Somniferum -- commonly known as opium poppies," the Sheriff's Office said.

Over the weekend, a team eradicated one acre of 27,000 growing plants, and destroyed 16,500 harvested plants.

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Opium poppy field

Straws from the harvested plants can be used to produce various types of illicit opiate products.

"The yield from this cultivation would be approximately thirteen pounds of raw opium, which could then be converted into heroin. The yield from this process would be a little less than a pound and a half of heroin. The street value of a pound and a half of heroin is approximately $45,000. This process can be repeated for up to three production cycles a year on the same land," the Sheriff's Office said.

"This operation shows the Sheriff’s Office commitment to battling the opioid epidemic that our communities and nation currently face," the Sheriff's Office said.

The case is being forwarded to the Monterey County District Attorney’s Office for prosecution of those involved with the poppy field operation.

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Opium poppy field

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Opium poppy field
