There’s the Real World and then there is Obama World

Welcome to Obama World

By Alan Caruba Tuesday, August 25, 2009

There’s the Real World and then there is Obama World. They are like parallel universes that only look alike

You can tell them apart because the Real World is full of dangerous and demented people who think they are fulfilling Allah’s command to kill unbelievers or even believers with whom they disagree. It’s a world where suicide is okay so long as you are killing others in the process.
In the Real World, there are people who think it’s okay to fly commercial aircraft into the Twin Towers and Pentagon

In the Real World, there are people who think it’s okay to fly commercial aircraft into the Twin Towers and Pentagon. It’s a world where video tapes of al Qaeda victims being beheaded are the deranged Looney Tunes of the Middle East.

And then there is Obama World. It is a world in which the President of the United States must apologize if any terrorists or their supporters were offended when the U.S. drove the Taliban out of Afghanistan and then invaded a nation controlled by a psychopath who had previously invaded Iran and then Kuwait. When not so engaged, Saddam Hussein was content to use poison gas against the Kurds in his nation and to fill his prisons with victims whose fate it was to be raped and executed in the most fiendish ways imaginable.
In Obama World, the President of the United States kow-tows to a Saudi Arabian Prince

In Obama World, the President of the United States kow-tows to a Saudi Arabian Prince while insulting the Queen of England and its Prime Minister. In Obama World North Korea feels free to launch missiles and insult our Secretary of State, but eagerly welcomes her husband, a former U.S. President, sent to free two girls too stupid to avoid the place.

In Obama World you are always campaigning and running against former President George W. Bush even though you won the election and he remains discretely quiet and does not publicly criticize you. In Obama World, you must demonize the former Vice President, Dick Cheney, and do whatever you can to indict him for the crime of doing whatever was in his and the President’s power to protect Americans after 9/11.

In the Real World, you don’t spend time looking at cases involving the interrogation techniques that kept the nation free of any further attacks. You especially don’t do this when the nation is facing a financial crisis of colossal proportions and you don’t try to impose a “reformâ€