Washington forecast includes 'impeachment'

Vote on president expected if GOP wins control of House

Posted: October 14, 2010
8:58 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
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An impeachment is coming for Barack Obama if the Republicans move into the majority in the U.S. House on Nov. 2, but they won't be able to remove him from the White House.

That's the forecast from Jonathan Chait at The New Republic, a statement that pushed him in front of a buzz saw of criticism.

"Hear me now and believe me later: If Republicans win and maintain control of the House of Representatives, they are going to impeach President Obama. They won't do it right away. And they won't succeed in removing Obama. (You need 67 Senate votes.) But if Obama wins a second term, the House will vote to impeach him before he leaves office," Chait wrote.

His prediction stirred an immediate furor among nay-sayers who ridiculed it, even though Chait is far from the first to broach the subject.

Read all about the grounds for impeachment.

In the public forum section of Chait's column, "Ironyroad" wrote, "They'll buy themselves a race war. People aren't going to take it lying down, because they'll know it's because Obama's skin tone isn't to their taste, not because of high crimes and misdemeanors."

Added, "MICRM," "I'm glad you've pout this in print before the fact. This gives any argument about the idiocy of future impeachment proceedings much more credibility down the road, when the Republicans actually carry out the crazy plans you've predicted."

Chait's explanation for why he believes an impeachment could be forthcoming says the reason itself actually won't matter.

"Wait, you say. What will they impeach him over? You can always find something. Mini-scandals break out regularly in Washington. Last spring, the political press erupted in a frenzy over the news that the White House had floated a potential job to prospective Senate candidate Joe Sestak. On a scale of one to 100, with one representing presidential jaywalking and 100 representing Watergate, the Sestak job offer probably rated about a 1.5. Yet it was enough that GOP Representative Darrell Issa called the incident an impeachable offense," Chait wrote.

"As it happens, should Republicans win control of the House, Issa would bring his hair-trigger finger to the chairmanship of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. The Sestak pseudo-scandal disappeared because there was no process to drive the story forward. Had Issa been running the Oversight Committee, it would have been the subject of hearings and subpoenas," he explained.

Chait will have to get in line, however, among those who have predicted – or even called for – much the same end result.

WND reported earlier when Maj. Gen. Jerry Curry, who served in Vietnam and commanded the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command at Aberdeen Proving Ground during his long military career, suggested Congress should simply hand Obama an ultimatum.

"Action should be taken by the Senate and should be taken by the House," he said. "They should serve notice on him and say, 'Mr. President, we love you but we want to tell you something. You're under a cloud of suspicion. We can't continue running this country with you in charge under this cloud. Now either you clear it up or you resign from office.'"

He was answering questions on Stan Solomon's "Talk to Solomon" show:

Further, retired U.S. Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, a noted military leader who now is a presence on the Internet with his Stand Up For America and Veterans Defenders websites, earlier told WND he would like Obama to resign.

Vallely, who served in Vietnam and retired in 1991 from the U.S. Army as deputy commanding general for the Pacific, said, "We now must call for the immediate resignation of Barry Soetoro (aka President Barack Hussein Obama) … based on incompetence, deceit, fraud, corruption, dishonesty and violation of the U.S. oath of office and the Constitution."

"We can wait no longer for a traditional change of power and new government," he has warned.

"'We the People' have had enough. Enough is enough. The Obama White House and identifiable members of Congress are now on a progressive-socialist, treasonous death march and are bankrupting and weakening the country. We have watched them violate their sacred oath of office. 'We the People' cannot wait for and solely rely on the next round of elections in November of this year. It is now and each day that these public servants must put the citizen's interests above self-interest by resigning immediately," he said.

Peter Ferrara, on the American Spectator website, also has predicted Obama's resignation.

"I am now ready to predict that President Obama will not even make it [to 2012]," he wrote. "I predict that he will resign in discredited disgrace before the fall of 2012," Ferrera said.

WND also reported that former congressman and GOP presidential candidate Tom Tancredo said for current members of the House and Senate to uphold their oath to defend the United States against enemies "foreign and domestic," they need to file impeachment charges against Barack Obama.

Tancredo wrote in an opinion piece in the Washington Times that Obama's "refusal to live up to his own oath of office – which includes the duty to defend the United States against foreign invasion – requires senators and representatives to live up to their oaths. Members of Congress must defend our nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Today, that means bringing impeachment charges against Mr. Obama."

At the same time, Times columnist Jeffrey T. Kuhner, who also is president of the Edmund Burke Institute, wrote, "President Obama has engaged in numerous high crimes and misdemeanors. The Democratic majority in Congress is in peril as Americans reject his agenda. Yet more must be done: Mr. Obama should be impeached."

Kuhner continued, "He is slowly – piece by painful piece – erecting a socialist dictatorship. We are not there – yet. But he is putting America on that dangerous path. He is undermining our constitutional system of checks and balances; subverting democratic procedures and the rule of law; presiding over a corrupt, gangster regime; and assaulting the very pillars of traditional capitalism. Like Venezuela's leftist strongman, Hugo Chavez, Mr. Obama is bent on imposing a revolution from above – one that is polarizing America along racial, political and ideological lines. Mr. Obama is the most divisive president since Richard Nixon. His policies are balkanizing the country. It's time for him to go."

Floyd and Mary Beth Brown, in a WND column, discussed the ImpeachObamaCampaign.com they launched.

And at the Taking American Back 2010 conference in Miami in September, Floyd Brown expanded on the idea.

Brown, president of the Western Center for Journalism, said, "The Obama presidency is a disease. … Article 2, Section 4 (the impeachment clause of the Constitution) is the cure. And it's Obama's hatred of America that makes it absolutely imperative that we take action now.

"Barack Hussein Obama is not some do-gooder that has had his plans go astray," Brown added. "He is not a person of good will just trying his best to make America go the right direction. He is not. Barack Hussein Obama is a liar that absolutely knows what he's doing to the United States of America. He has a plan. He has an agenda. This man knows exactly where he's taking us.

"Barack Obama is a very dangerous man," said Brown. "Over the last two years, we have been watching the slow progression of what I call a bloodless coup."

On Chait's webpage, another forum participant said it won't happen.

"The president should have the economy working his way by the 2nd term and there will be more important things."

At Politico, where David Mark was moderating a discussion on the idea, there was general disbelief, including several suggestions that Chait wasn't in possession of his faculties for making such a suggestion.

"Do you agree that a House GOP majority would go through with impeachment? On what grounds? Should House Republican candidates be asked about the prospect? And do the 1998 Clinton impeachment proceedings offer any guidance on potential political beneficiaries and losers?" Mark asked.

Republican strategist David Marin said there are so many important issues, "I don't see a GOP-controlled House … squandering their opportunity with something as reckless as an impeachment campaign. That's just silly."

But Richard Albert of Boston College noted that because of the sweeping language in the Constitution, "any president may be impeached for doing anything Congress believes warrants impeachment."

Brown said the potential grounds already are available – citing how Obama has "nationalized the banks. He nationalized GM and Chrysler. He's attacked the 2nd Amendment. He's taken over health care. He wants cap and trade legislation, so he literally taxes the air that you breathe. We breathe out CO2. He appointed czars to control your life without congressional oversight. He apologizes for us abroad. I find it personally offensive that he would apologize for this great land."

Brown said the actual crimes include offering jobs in exchange for political favors; firing Inspector General Gerald Walpin who was investigating Obama friend Kevin Johnson for allegedly misusing funds; and actively trying to bankrupt America, adding more to the national deficit in nine months than in the first 200 years of U.S. history.


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