By Marilyn M. Barnewall
May 23, 2010

Patriot. Is there a greater compliment than to be called a Patriot?

Actually, there is. If you’re an American celebrating Memorial Day, Constitutional or Truthful Patriot comes to mind. It is for that the soldiers we honor on this holiday fought and died.

Reality: Death in service to any country is a grim reminder of the greatest human sacrifice. It also places upon us all the responsible mantle of that sacrifice. We must ensure such sacrifice is made for constitutional freedoms as practiced, not for proclaimed freedoms based on myths.

There are a lot of people who consider themselves patriots, or patriotic. Communists think Karl Marx had a better idea than George Washington – America would be better with a communist government. They call themselves patriots, too – quietly, of course (especially if they’re politicians). Their arrogance and sense of self is more than a little staggering. They believe they know what’s best for great unwashed masses.

Fascists, who think Mussolini had a better idea than our Founding Fathers and want to move America to fascism, think they are patriots. Their arrogance, too, outweighs their thinking skills. Look at history!

Socialists are arrogant -- and they’re dumber than the fascists and communists. They think socialism is a permanent form of government when the Father of socialism, Karl Marx, referred to it as a temporary path, which in the long term, leads a nation to communism.

Patriots take their obligations as citizens seriously. A commitment to freedom is a commitment to political activism because the moment citizens become apathetic freedom is lost. What seems apparent in today’s world is a stealthy and quite major power push for global government. All the signs are there and ignoring it won’t make it go away.

The point is, we exist because in the late 1700s a group of men dared to say America is a free nation and declared war against those who ruled us, England. Our army was small, theirs was huge. They and the soldiers who fought so bravely with them earned the right to govern. They wrote a Bill of Rights and a Constitution and declared the guidelines by which this nation would be governed. Since our Founding Fathers, no group has had the courage to stand up and openly define the changes they want for America. They fight for nothing. They steal freedom by stealth, through lies. We allow it by accepting their lies and claims to power as truth.

Look at Greece. It is weighed down with lies. In socialist Greece, people riot as government is forced to admit it cannot pay twelve months of salary to those who work only nine. Greek unions, including most government workers, lie by telling themselves they are worth three months vacation and 30 paid holidays a year. The socialist nations of Europe do not deal well with the privations that follow over-spending used to gain political power. Portugal, Italy, Ireland, and Spain will be next to react to the bankruptcy of socialism’s logical destiny.

It doesn’t matter if you’re an oilman, shipbuilder, Wall Street executive, pipefitter or a politician. When you sell yourself to the dishonesty of a moment of pleasure or convenience, you have named your price – like any prostitute does.

Reality: The Greek government cannot afford to pay workers for unrealistic benefits unions demand. It is what socialism demands: Take from one person who earns something and give to another who did not.

Reality: The United States of America cannot afford socialism, either. According to a new report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), debt in the United States will soon reach 100 percent of gross domestic product.

Reality: This is not the time to force the huge cost of nationalized health care on a nation that opposes it. In fact, the IMF Report told European nations that to qualify for IMF Save Your Nation from Bankruptcy loans they would have to cap nationalized health care costs.

Once you start lying to yourself, anything can be rationalized. You can convince yourself that raising taxes during a time of high unemployment creates jobs. Greed and the lies that motivate it blind people to truth. In the end, that’s what causes liars’ empires to collapse – even when they’re called “Wall Street.â€