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Thread: Jeb Bush Supports Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

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  1. #1
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Jeb Bush Supports Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

    Jeb Bush Supports Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

    By 2015

    Jeb Bush is the worst GOP illegal immigrant amnesty supporter running for President in 2016 for many reasons.

    First, the mere fact that Americans may be forced to chose between another amnesty-supporting Bush and an amnesty-supporting Clinton is a clear sign of just how far down the tubes America has gone! We are clearly a nation under the thumb of oligarchs and dynasties.

    Second, we can easily expect Jeb Bush to continue the illegal immigration invasion legacy of his brother George W. Bush who left our borders wide open after the attacks of 9/11, refused to fine few employers hiring illegals, ordered our border patrol to "catch and release" illegals entering the US, and even persecuted our own border patrol agents like Ramos and Compean who were put in jail for shooting an illegal alien drug smuggler whose family was cozy with the Bush dynasty!

    GW Bush left office as the most unpopular President in modern American history, and the greatest impact on his low poll numbers was his support for amnesty legislation in 2006-2007 and his amnesty policy decrees similar to Obama's actions. The vast majority of illegal aliens in America today were literally let into our nation by GW Bush and Obama!

    In fact, polling data shows that Jeb Bush's support for a path to legalization for illegals is hurting him badly in New Hampshire and other places. (click for poll)

    Jeb Bush angered the vast majority of Republican voters in America when the news broke that at celebration marking the 25th anniversary of the presidency of his father George H.W. Bush in 2014, Jeb Bush said that...

    "The way I look at this is someone who comes to our country because they couldn’t come legally, they come to our country because their families -- the dad who loved their children -- was worried that their children didn’t have food on the table. And they wanted to make sure their family was intact, and they crossed the border because they had no other means to work to be able to provide for their family. Yes, they broke the law, but it’s not a felony. It’s an act of love..."

    Obviously, most Americans do not feel that illegally entering and remaining in another nation as an illegal alien is "an act of love," and Jeb Bush is very out of touch with American families that suffer many negative consequences from illegal immigration.

    This disconnect between Jeb Bush and most Americans can be documented in the fact that while Jeb Bush is currently the front runner in the fund raising department, having raised more than 114 million dollars, only 3% of his funds come from small donors! In fact, Jeb Bush's biggest financial backers are big bankers from Goldman Sachs the very power group that influenced Congress to use your tax money to bail them out. That's right, Goldman Sachs, the company that took a 10 Billion dollar bailout and then outsourced thousands of jobs to places like Singapore is Jeb Bush's biggest backer!

    We know Jeb Bush supports amnesty for illegal aliens because he officially came out in support of Senator Marco Rubio's and Lindsey Graham's amnesty bill S. 744. In fact, Jeb Bush even wrote an editorial to the Wall Street Journal supporting amnesty bill S. 744!

    Jeb has recently tried to conceal that amnesty support in reaction to the rise of Donald Trump to the front of the GOP primary race. Trump has taken the lead from Bush due to his tough talk against illegal immigration.

    To try to save his faltering campaign for President and trick GOP voters, Jeb Bush now claims he does not support a "pathway to citizenship" for illegals anymore, but he supports "earned legal status" for illegals!

    But Jeb Bush will be unable to escape the fact that he supports immigration reform amnesty for illegals because pro illegal immigration invasion cheer leader Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-Chicago) has practically endorsed him saying that Jeb Bush was their best bet to pass amnesty for illegals!

    These are just some of the main reasons that conservatives like William Gheen, Glenn Beck, and Senator Jeff Sessions are critical of Jeb Bush's candidacy.

    William Gheen is President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC or ALIPAC. He says Bush's "act of love" comment is ridiculous.


    "You could say that prostitutes do what they do out of an act love for their children and families,” he says. “Or that bank robbers are engaging in an act of love because they're stealing the money not just for themselves but maybe for some of their family members. No one has ever said anything as ridiculous as this before."

    Sen. Jeff Sessions to Rebut Jeb Bush’s Amnesty Support During Surprise CPAC Meet-and-Greet (click to read)


    So if you oppose illegal immigration, amnesty for illegals, and don't want to see America overthrown into a socialist regime that is using corporate sponsored waves of illegal immigration to submerge America's current inhabitants, then do not vote for Jeb Bush under any circumstances!
    Last edited by ALIPAC; 07-21-2015 at 10:13 AM.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  2. #2
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Gheen, Minnesota, United States
    Please take a few minutes to review our latest online activist training video so you can volunteer to help us fight back against illegal immigration supporters like Jeb Bush!

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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