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    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    John McCain's Deception & Betrayal Must Be Stopped to Sa

    John McCain's Deception & Betrayal Must Be Stopped to Save America on August 24, 2010

    August 4, 2010

    By William Gheen
    President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)

    US Senator John McCain is the top GOP advocate for Obama's Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty legislation that would turn over 12 million illegal aliens into US citizens and voters thus destroying any future peaceful political hopes for border or immigration enforcement.

    Luckily for Arizonans and all Americans, McCain's future plans can be stopped, if enough people will vote for JD Hayworth in the August 24 GOP Primary in Arizona.

    Some people may not want to believe this about John McCain because he has proven to be a skillful liar, a master at deceit, and one of the dirtiest campaigners I've ever witnessed in my career in politics. McCain is everything that voters claim they dislike and he has spent millions of dollars trying to smear JD Hayworth, while marketing himself falsely as an opponent to Obama on immigration issues and a champion of border security.

    During the 2008 GOP Presidential primaries, we thought that John McCain could not win because of his advocacy for Amnesty for illegal aliens in 2006 and 2007. Surely, no member of the Republican party could win a primary after being in every newspaper and on every TV in America with their arms around liberal Senators Ted Kennedy and Harry Reid pushing for an Amnesty that is opposed by 2 out of 3 Americans and well over 80% of Republican voters!

    Boy were we wrong. We underestimated McCain's abilities to deceive backed by amnesty supporting media outlets and million dollar PR campaigns using TV, Radio, direct mail, and phone banks. We overestimated the memories of GOP voters and what information those voters were using to make their decision. We also underestimated the political theater games that went on with candidates like Mike Huckabee and others playing the "I'm the toughest on illegal immigration" game to split GOP voters several ways.

    John McCain was immediately rebuked by GOP voters at one of his first town hall style campaign meetings when he launched his presidential run. His campaign quickly realized, like we did, that McCain was unelectable because of his unpopular Amnesty positions. They also realized that his repeated mantra and lie of "I oppose Amnesty" was not fooling enough voters! So John McCain invents the "Secure the Borders First" slogan.

    Secure the Borders first equates to a spoon full of sugar helping the lethal poison go down! Every state in America could adopt Arizona's SB 1070 and you could place 30,000 combat troops on our borders and it would all be to no avail once McCain and Obama's millions of illegal aliens displaced millions of Americans at the ballot box!

    When McCain won the GOP Primary in 2008 a great scream of anguish went up from those who knew the man well.

    Within a few short weeks John McCain had abandoned his "Secure The Border" language and went on the Spanish language networks promising Hispanic voters Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty. His campaign hired and deployed the despicable invasion leader Juan Hernandez who in turn went out to promise the illegals and their supporters that McCain would deliver Amnesty.

    As reported on CNN's Lou Dobbs Show on September 15, 2008. John McCain not only supports Amnesty, but he both praised Obama for his support of Amnesty in 2006 and then criticized Obama for not supporting Amnesty enough in 2008!

    When the dust settled, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) conducted a poll that unearthed some amazing findings. The poll found that most voters were not accurately aware of candidate positions on the issue of illegal immigration and that McCain supporters were the furthest off the mark.

    The CIS poll using neutral language found that only 34 percent of McCain voters knew McCain as "favoring eventual citizenship for illegal immigrants who meet certain requirements." By comparison, 42percent of Hillary Clinton's voters knew she favored that and 52 percent of Obama voters knew his position.

    While ALIPAC opposes any form of Amnesty, I've often said that I have more respect for liberal Democrats who are honest about their support for Amnesty, as opposed to some of the high profile Republicans like McCain who lie about their true positions!

    The CIS poll not only discovered that McCain supporters were more misinformed than Obama supporters, but that many were drastically misled about McCain's positions. Of John McCain supporters, 35 percent mistakenly thought he favored enforcement that would cause illegals to return home, another 10 percent thought he wanted mass deportations, and 21 percent didn’t know his position on immigration at all.

    The most important finding of the CIS poll was that only 31 percent of those who voted for McCain in the GOP Primary for President shared his true views about making illegal aliens into citizens and voters! Obama voters were again more true to the mark as 61% of Obama's voters shared his positions.

    The McCain deception is working again in 2010, unless we all pull together and take steps to stop him!

    Of course John McCain's latest flip flop from Amnesty supporter to "Border Defender" is designed to make Arizonans believe that he is listening to them and responding to their desires.

    I know better because I stood outside of John McCain's US Senate office back in 2007 for over an hour. I patiently eavesdropped on his office staff and counted with a notepad as calls came in from across AZ and America against the McCain Kennedy Amnesty bill fifty to one! That's right, just like the other Senate offices reported, McCain received calls, emails, and faxes from you great citizens who took the time to speak out against the McCain Kennedy Amnesty bill (SB 2611). It was fifty against his bill to everyone one that was for it and he, John McCain refused to listen to, or represent you!

    If you reelect John McCain, it will not be long until you are calling and begging McCain to oppose Amnesty again and your voice will not be heard or acknowledged by John McCain. Please trust those of us who were there fighting toe to toe for you and fighting for America in the last Amnesty battles. By the next time McCain is up for reelection, your votes will not matter much as the illegals will take control of the elections as new voters. McCain did not listen to America before and we have no reason, other than his empty promises and lies, to believe that he has changed his stance on Amnesty.

    Fool us once, shame on you McCain. Fool us twice and shame on Americans who let you get away with it.

    John McCain has become the poster child for Republicans promising Amnesty to illegal aliens as a losing strategy. McCain blew the race to Obama on many occasions and while he attacks a true conservative like JD Hayworth with a slash and burn ruthlessness, McCain refused to go after Obama at all even after Obama told the nation "Learn English? You need to make sure your children learn Spanish!" Yes, Obama said that as you can see in the video here on Youtube, and if John McCain had simply spoken out for the vast majority of Americans who feel immigrants should learn English, he would be president today. McCain did not do that because both McCain and Obama are servants to the same political factions that wants Amnesty and Open Borders in America regardless of how many Americans lose their jobs, homes, health, security, and lives in the process.

    A defeat for John McCain in the August 24, 2010 primary in Arizona would throw a monkey wrench into the entire Amnesty agenda in Washington. Our DC sources tell us that President Obama is short one vote for Amnesty and he is waiting on John McCain to finish duping the GOP voters in Arizona before proceeding to move forward.

    The reason Amnesty has not already been pushed down the throats of the 70-80 percent of Americans who oppose it is because JD Hayworth is running against John McCain.

    While JD may not be a flawless angel of perfection, he is a base conservative who is much more aligned with Conservative America than John McCain on most test issues especially immigration.

    JD Hayworth has made it clear he is running to stop McCain's Amnesty plans and to give Arizona voters a clear choice on the matter. Hayworth wrote a book about the perils of Amnesty and illegal immigration called "Whatever It Takes" and we were very proud that he sourced our organization, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, in his book.

    JD Hayworth has been endorsed by ALIPAC as one of the true blue illegal immigration fighters in Arizona along with Sheriff Joe Arpaio who now has a million dollar bounty on his life due to his opposition to illegal immigration. State Senator Russell Pearce, the architect of Arizona's controversial SB 1070 bill has also endorsed JD Hayworth.

    JD Hayworth dedicated much of his talk radio show to opposing illegal immigration and opposing any form of Amnesty for illegal aliens. He is the clear choice for anyone who has looked into the issue of illegal immigration and understands what must be done to stop it.

    John McCain has been the best friend illegal aliens and corrupt businesses could have in the Republican Party.

    Now we have news that one of the things John McCain has feared the most is happening. Although some of the national Tea Party groups have not weighed in, JD Hayworth is now the clear "Tea Party Candidate".

    ALIPAC helped pave the way for JD into the Tea Party movement due to our coalition efforts in support of the Tea Parties in April and July of 2009, combined with our Tea Parties Against Amnesty arranged by ALIPAC this past Spring and in November.

    The JD Hayworth campaign had a press conference earlier this week, to announce that 16 Tea Party groups have now officially endorsed his campaign against John McCain. John McCain has no Tea Party group endorsements. In fact, his only Tea Party related endorsement is Sarah Palin's lukewarm endorsement because she owes him for making her his VP candidate. McCain's vote splitter spoiler candidate, Jim Deakin, eagerly posts on Facebook and other forums "I'm the Tea Party candidate" although he has no backing from Tea Party groups.

    Now we need to turn JD's clear advantage in the Tea Party movement into a landslide of national support flowing into his campaign in the form of donations and volunteers just like with Scott Brown's campaign!

    The beleaguered, abused, and much maligned Tea Party movement needs a lift right now, and a victory against John McCain would not only provide a morale boost but would also prove that the Tea Party is not just a front group for the GOP DC insiders like Dick Armey of Freedomworks who is a corporate lobbyist who supports the McCain -Obama Amnesty plan as seen in this Youtube Video that we released.

    Dick Armey has been working very hard behind the scenes to try and stop the Tea Party movement from coalescing around JD Hayworth because that is what his global corporation paymasters want him to do. We know who Dick Armey really serves and it is time for all Americans to rebuke him and his buddy McCain on August 24, 2010.

    Whether you like JD Hayworth like we do or not, we need every Arizona voter to understand that John McCain must be stopped and thrown out of office in the interest of national survival. GOP voters in Arizona will have very little voice or say in matters again, if McCain wins and turns those illegal aliens marching in your streets into citizens and voters who can in turn seek vengeance against all those who stood up to oppose illegal immigration and amnesty.

    Arizona voters must make the right decision and I am confident they will, if we can get enough accurate information to them about John McCain before they make a terrible mistake.

    Unfortunately, the latest polls show that JD Hayworth is within striking range of defeating John McCain but McCain is still ahead by over 10 percentage points at the time of this article and approximately 47 percent of Arizona's GOP voters are misinformed enough to tell pollsters they plan to vote for McCain!

    ALIPAC is about to launch emergency measures to do all we can to help JD Hayworth win against McCain. We have already sent in large donations and promoted JD online. We have worked hard to accurately inform Americans about John McCain, his support for Amnesty, his previous successful deceptions of primary voters, and what McCain and Obama's plans will do to destroy our borders forever. We have pushed McCain's top ally, US Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) away from the negotiating table with Obama in order to buy American voters just enough time to get it right at the ballot box.

    I hope each of you reading this will understand our heartfelt and rational appeal.

    If you are a voter in Arizona, please make the right decision by dropping any support for John McCain or his vote spoiler candidate Jim Deakin.

    If you are an American who opposes illegal immigration and Amnesty then sign up for email alerts at so you can help us do our best to support JD Hayworth and defeat John McCain. You can help from any state in America by donating to JD Hayworth, traveling to Arizona to volunteer for JD Hayworth, contacting people you know in Arizona to make sure they know they must help us all by voting against McCain, or by signing up to help ALIPAC's efforts.

    There is a much desired and long overdue political revolution active in America. Tea Party groups, immigration enforcement groups and many others are at the heart of it. Washington DC insiders are scrambling to protect their corrupt assets like John McCain as voters have thrown down incumbent after incumbent across America.

    If John McCain wins on August 24, 2010 in Arizona the revolution will suffer and much of our momentum will be slowed. If JD Hayworth defeats McCain, the revolution will intensify leading to greater and real change in Washington this November.

    We must proceed with the faith that our fellow countrymen in Arizona are rational actors and loyal Americans who will make the right decision in this election, if we can afford to get accurate information to them about McCain's betrayal of the nation and his current and previous lies about his support for Amnesty.

    Voters in Arizona must understand, if they do not throw John McCain out of office on August 24, that McCain will work to throw those borders down forever and pass Amnesty that will leave Arizonans and all Americans surrounded by an angry mob of millions of illegal alien voters who are not going anywhere as the brutal violence in Mexico, now overflowing along the border, sweeps into every neighborhood in America.

    On behalf of the thousands of Americans who are needlessly raped, robbed, and murdered each year due to the open borders betrayal from Washington, we must implore Arizonans to remove those responsible from office and Senator John McCain is one of those most responsible with American blood on his hands.

    Take Action Now America

    Link to Hayworth campaign:

    Link to ALIPAC:

    William Gheen is the President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, also known as ALIPAC, which is one of America's largest grass roots organizations fighting against illegal immigration and against Amnesty. He is also the director of Tea Parties Against Amnesty. ALIPAC strives to inform voters of which candidates are properly aligned with the approximately 80% of Americans found in scientific polls to support enforcement of America's existing immigration and border laws as opposed to Amnesty for illegal immigrants.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    added to the homepage and going out to the nation now.

    I hope all of you will help us forward and circulate this far and wide.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #3
    Senior Member HAPPY2BME's Avatar
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    Re: John McCain's Deception & Betrayal Must Be Stopped t

    Quote Originally Posted by ALIPAC
    When McCain won the GOP Primary in 2008 a great scream of anguish went up from those who knew the man well.

    Within a few short weeks John McCain had abandoned his "Secure The Border" language and went on the Spanish language networks promising Hispanic voters Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty.

    His campaign hired and deployed the despicable invasion leader Juan Hernandez who in turn went out to promise the illegals and their supporters that McCain would deliver Amnesty.

    Juan Hernandez is perhaps one of the most influential men in North America.

    Why do I say that?

    He is the very same man that introduced (then Texas Governor) George W. Bush to Mexico President Vicente Fox in Mexico City BEFORE the GOP ever announced Bush would be making a 2000 run for the White House.

    If that is not enough, the very same Juan Hernandez was John McCain's point man on all matters pertaining to amnesty and Mexican affairs in McCain's 2008 bid for president.

    Amnesty Alert: Warn the Nation about McCain and Hernandez

    Friends of ALIPAC,

    Please watch the following video of a voter confronting Presidential candidate John McCain about his campaign staffer Juan Hernandez who advocates Amnesty, Open Borders, benefits for illegal aliens, and "Mexico First"!

    Take the following actions to help us warn America about McCain and Hernandez.

    1. Watch the video at the link below, vote it 5 stars, make a comment, add it to your favorites, and read the video description for more information.

    2. Post links into this video on any website you control or comment on.

    3. E-mail this video to all of your contacts and the media, while encouraging them to forward it on.

    By doing so, you will spread the word and elevate the video on the Youtube charts, which will bring it into view for more Americans.

    After watching, feel free to contact John McCain's campaign and tell them to "Fire Juan Hernandez!"

    VIDEO John McCain Defends Amnesty & Open Borders Juan Hernandez
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  4. #4
    Senior Member HAPPY2BME's Avatar
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    McCain Reiterates Call For Amnesty For Illegal Aliens

    VIDEO: ... re=related
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  5. #5
    Senior Member HAPPY2BME's Avatar
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    Conservatives: Beware of McCain Regression Syndrome

    Conservatives: Beware of McCain Regression Syndrome

    With all due respect to McCain’s past noble war service, it’s time to head to the pasture. As the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday, he was wrong on the constitutionality of the free-speech-stifling McCain-Feingold campaign finance regulations.

    He was wrong to side with the junk-science global warming activists in pushing onerous carbon caps on America.

    He was on the wrong side of every Chicken Little-driven bailout.

    He was wrong in opposing enhanced CIA interrogation methods that have saved countless American lives and averted jihadi plots.

    And he was spectacularly wrong in teaming with the open-borders lobby to push a dangerous illegal alien amnesty.
    Join our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & to secure US borders by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  6. #6
    Senior Member HAPPY2BME's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HAPPY2BME
    John McCain is using money left from his 2008 presidential campaign in the Arizona primary race for the GOP senate nomination. These funds allow him to outspend Republican opponent JD Hayworth by 10 to 1.

    But how can anyone forget McCain's treasonous record on immigration?
    Below are two historical notes from eminent Arizonans.

    Forward to Arizona friends.

    Please let's not allow anyone to forget that John McCain filmed a vicious anti-Prop 200 TV ad with Janet Napolitano in which they both lied through their teeth. Also, McCain's amnesty bill, which he co-sponsored with TED KENNEDY, would have required taxpayers to provide an immigration attorney to everyone applying for amnesty (all 12-20-30 million of 'em). McCain's amnesty bill also included amnesty for illegal alien felons and gang members. When an amendment was introduced to at least exclude illegal alien felons and gang members from McCain's amnesty, McCain voted against that.

    Kathy McKee, founder/Chairman
    Protect Arizona NOW


    If anyone still is unconvinced about supporting JD Hayworth, remind them that McCain voted for and praised Eric Holder during his AG Senate confirmation hearing, and has best friends like [Lindsey] Graham. Please send any doubters to our website, where McCain's frightful record is exposed and documented.

    Join our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & to secure US borders by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  7. #7
    Senior Member HAPPY2BME's Avatar
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  8. #8
    h47 is offline

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    I NEVER liked, John McCain. And now that I know he's for amnesty, I really DON'T like him. I got so sick of him talking non-stop about, Joe The Plumber when he was running for President. I was also sick of his non-stop bashing of Obama. Because I would much RATHER him talk about the ISSUES. Talk about what he would do if he were elected President. But nope. All we got from him was non-stop spewing of, Joe The Plumber and how Obama is a "terrorist" and "Hitler".

    And of course all this nonsense about him being a "Maverick".
    Maverick? Him? No. I don't think so.

    This guy is a huge phony. I don't believe or trust ANYTHING he says.
    "Illegal aliens are not immigrants, they are foreign intruders"... Jean Baptiste Truong
    NO amnesty for illegal aliens.
    Arrest and deport illegal aliens back to their own country.

  9. #9
    Senior Member HAPPY2BME's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h47
    I NEVER liked, John McCain. And now that I know he's for amnesty, I really DON'T like him. I got so sick of him talking non-stop about, Joe The Plumber when he was running for President.

    Because I would much RATHER him talk about the ISSUES. Talk about what he would do if he were elected President.

    But nope. All we got from him was non-stop spewing of, Joe The Plumber and how Obama is a "terrorist" and "Hitler".

    And of course all this nonsense about him being a "Maverick".
    Maverick? Him? No. I don't think so.

    This guy is a huge phony. I don't believe or trust ANYTHING he says.
    It is what McCain DID NOT SAY during his 2008 run for the White House that tells the story.

    NASHVILLE, Tennessee (CNN) -- Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama debated in Nashville, Tennessee, on Tuesday night. NBC's Tom Brokaw moderated the debate.

    The "Town Hall" forum for this second presidential debate between the two candidates used questions from a live audience with Moderator Brokaw also asking questions sent in to him from internet emails.

    Tom Brokaw deliberately steered away from asking what positions the two Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama held on these three important national issues:

    * Illegal Alien Immigration

    * The National Trade Deficit With China

    * The Outsourcing of American Jobs Overseas

    In addition, these words relating to those issues were never mentioned during the entire Palin / Biden debate by either Gwen Ifill, Sarah Palin, or Joseph Biden:

    * Immigration
    * Border
    * Amnesty
    * Illegal Aliens
    * Sovereignty
    * Trade Deficit
    * Trade Imbalance
    * Outsourcing
    * Losing Jobs
    Join our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & to secure US borders by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  10. #10
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    I have gladly made a donation to JD's campaign. I want to help him defeat McCain. I am sick of American's being out of work while all the illegals go to work at the jobs that should be filled by Americans.
    I will do what ever I can to fight against amnesty!

    Please if you can make a donation and it is for only one dollar do it.
    Consider it a donation in the name of an out of work American!

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