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Supporters of ALIPAC.

We are excited to announce a new feature on the ALIPAC website. Our RSS newsfeeds will allow you to add our latest headlines to your site. You can also help us by submiting our RSS feeds to other sites.

What is RSS?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a format for distributing news content. News sites publish via RSS then individuals and websites automatically get the updated content.

You can access our RSS by using the box in the upper left corner of the ALIPAC homepage at www.alipac.us

We also need your help on our web links hunt. We are starting a new Federal legislative effort on Monday June 13 and we want to establish as many new links pointing to www.alipac.us as possible before we begin.

The major search engines rank websites based on how many other sites have links pointed at them. The more other websites link to ALIPAC, the higher we go on the search engines.

Please help us to reach more people with news and information about illegal immigration by taking a little time to help us get more links on other sites and get our RSS news feed service in use on the web.

More details at

If you spot a website that is not on our weblinks yet, please write WilliamG@alipac.us

We encourage our supporters to visit other sites on our web links section, but please read the disclaimer first.

ALIPAC Web Links at

Many new sites will be added over the next few days as we exchange links with other good sites that are focused on illegal immigration.

Thank you for all of your support.


Not an ALIPAC Supporter yet? Your help is needed today. Please visit
http://www.alipac.us/modules.php?name=C ... page&pid=9