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    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Our Current Strategic Position Fighting Illegal Immigration

    (Note: This alert is not for press distribution, posting, copying or forwarding. This material is for ALIPAC e-mail alert recipients, website visitors, and allied organizations only.)

    Our Current Strategic Position Fighting Illegal Immigration

    February 10, 2010

    by William Gheen
    President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)

    I can still remember the screams of anguish and dismay when John McCain won the GOP Primary for President in 2008. We put out an e-mail alert asking for reactions and received more than 2,000 responses.

    One patriot in Arizona summed up most of the e-mails we received at ALIPAC when she described her feelings as "I feel like setting my hair on fire and running through the desert screaming!"

    Many of us could relate to that because those of us who were very politically involved knew at that moment Americans would be forced to choose between a Globalist Republican and a Globalist Democrat who both served the same masters and had the same nation-destroying immigration plan to flood America with legal and illegal immigrants.

    How sad it was that so many Republican primary voters had ignored, missed, or forgotten John McCain, standing there hand in hand with Ted Kennedy, pushing for an illegal alien Amnesty bill that would have permanently wounded America. Polling data later revealed that most of the Republicans who voted for McCain did not know his positions on immigration and did not agree with his true positions. In fact, most of McCain's primary voters erroneously thought McCain would enforce our laws. Welcome to the world of expensive mass media!

    With Americans forced into a dramatic 'lesser of two of the same evils' game in 2008, it was a rough year and many patriots fighting against illegal immigration threw their hands up in despair.

    In the end, most conservatives held their nose and voted for McAmnesty McCain, but Republican turnout fell almost 3%, another few percent went to third party candidates, and even more Republican voters voted for Obama to repudiate Bush and McCain or left the presidential choice blank on their ballots.

    McCain failed because enough people refused to play the game. The Bush and McCain disasters have helped to prove that Republicans cannot win by trying to please the racist Open Borders Lobby of big businesses and the La Raza groups that want Amnesty for illegal aliens.

    Back in 2006, when GOP candidates were already fighting uphill battles due to Bush's diving popularity levels, George W. Bush practically threw the election cycle to the Democrats by pushing Amnesty for illegal aliens just a few short weeks before Election Day!

    Top of the ticket, or high level GOP sellouts pushing Amnesty for illegal aliens, has a massive wet blanket effect on center right voters and this elite tactic has been deployed in both 2006 and 2008 to keep the American public from politically energizing in levels that would threaten the Republicrat plan to lead America to the same end: dissolved in a sea of people from around the world brought in to replace the currently indigenous Americans.

    Everyone should be reminded of how Bush and McCain threw ice water on voters in the last two election cycles, because you may see this Globalist tactic emerge again. Who knows, perhaps Sarah Palin will emerge before the elections and declare her support for Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty as she did on Spanish language news networks in 2008 when running with McCain?

    Will John McCain deliver soon on his promise to stand with fellow sellout Sen. Chuck Shumer (D-NY) by joining hands to push a new version of the defeated Amnesty bills of 2006 and 2007, thus destroying the current Republican candidate dominance on immigration enforcement vs. Amnesty? The pro-illegal alien camp is claiming that McCain and Schumer will file an Amnesty bill soon, and try to quickly ramrod it through the U.S. Senate in a matter of a few days once filed by the end of March.

    McCain may have to stab his buddy Schumer in the back now that he has Rep. J.D. Hayworth and Minuteman Co-Founder Chris Simcox challenging him in the Arizona primaries! McCain is likely to lose his seat already and if he puts his name on a fresh Amnesty bill he is signing his own political suicide note.

    Lou Dobbs, failing to yet grasp that he has irrevocably destroyed himself politically by pushing for Amnesty for illegal aliens, after pretending to be a hero to Americans opposed to Amnesty, has recently emerged from Sen. Chuck Schumer's offices. Schumer claims that Lou's positions on immigration have "changed," while Lou is vowing to lawmakers and pro-illegal alien publications like Salon Magazine, that he wants to help legalize the illegals.

    Brace yourselves folks, because you can count on the Globalists that want only pretend change in Washington instead of real change to try to disappoint you and demoralize you in many ways between now and election day!

    GOP Bait and Switch Warning

    Behind the Scenes, Senators John McCain, Lindsay Graham, and the Republican National Convention are working hard to line up pro-Amnesty Republicans that will talk tough on immigration, and then go to Washington and vote for Amnesty and Open Borders with the Globalized U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

    We must be extra dilligent to prevent the compromised upper echelons of both the Republican and Democratic parties from forcing us into more McCain vs. Obama decisions in November of 2010.

    That is why ALIPAC has launched our candidate operations early this year, and for the first time ever, we will be deeply involved in the primaries for Congress and Senate. Our candidate research and endorsements are more important than ever before as we are charged with the mission of doing our best to sort out candidates that are loyal to Americans instead of the Globalist money machines that seek our destruction.

    The Bright Side of Obama's Win

    There's something I would like to reveal in print for the first time that took place behind the scenes back in 2008. Among my most trusted strategy advisers, we often discussed a possible way out for America once McCain and Obama had been maneuvered into place like two wooden fences herding all of us to the slaughter house door.

    It was a possible way through the narrow straits from which our ship could emerge battered yet intact! It was a scenario which has come to fruition in front of us, giving us a new chance to turn things around in America!

    We thought, well it might be best for Obama to win in 2008. (Dodging thrown objects now!)

    We did not do anything to help Obama win, but behind the scenes many of the top names in the immigration enforcement movement agreed that if McCain had won, he would have been more likely to pass Amnesty for illegal aliens by now, or some massive gun rights and free speech restrictions on behalf of his Globalist masters than Obama.

    Instead, Obama has hit more resistance and current poll numbers suggest that Obama will likely fall lower than George Bush to claim the record as most despised President in modern American history!

    It has been a scary and nightmarish year for most of us weathering the Obama storm, but Obama's methods have created a backlash that many of us predicted would dwarf the voter rage of 1994!

    So, with Obama defeating McCain, the Globalist agenda to dispossess Americans of our own nation has been slowed more than it would have been under McCain. If McCain was in office right now, there would be little chance of sweeping changes in November of 2010, and if there were, then McCain's handlers would have him come out and throw a wet blanket on the fire like Bush did in the last off-year elections of 2006!

    The conservative voters who refused to vote for McCain, despite massive pressures from others to play the lesser of two evils game, have given us all a new chance at saving America from these traitors at the top that are willing to watch us suffer and die beneath their nation-stealing agenda.

    I can remember the screaming and yelling clearly in my mind from 2008 that went "If you won't vote for McCain, you are just voting for Obama!" How many people reading this article today said that to others? I've also heard there are bumper stickers that say "Bush: Miss me yet?" To which I answer, "Hell No!"

    So we have survived Obama's first year; the American public is in an uproar and ready for sweeping changes; illegal immigration is taking center stage since Obama's tenuous ally, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) was dumb enough to actually file an Amnesty bill that is currently active, and those responsible for the invasion of America are in a mad scramble to maintain control!

    So while many of us have been experiencing high fidelity over the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, it may turn out to be the best thing to happen because of the 2010 backlash it makes possible, and that would be unlikely if McCain had won.

    The 2010 Campaigns

    Illegal immigration recently became a top and potentially decisive issue in Scott Brown's historic win in Massachusettes, where Brown defeated pro-Amnesty candidate Martha Coakley. The same thing just happened in New Jersey, where incumbent Gov. Jon Corzine was defeated by Chris Christie, as Corzine's support for licenses and in-state tuition for illegal aliens became a major liability with voters!

    In the Texas race for governor, incumbent Rick Perry, who supported and signed into law in-state tuition benefits for illegal aliens, and challenger Kay Bailey Hutchison are arguing at debates over who is the toughest on illegal immigration and border security issues! They are facing a challenge from newcomer Debra Medina, who has done well in the two debates for the GOP nomination. Medina does not want to wait for DC to control our border. She wants to do it now as Governor of Texas.

    In the race for U.S. Senate in Florida, pro-illegal alien Amnesty candidate and GOP Gov. Charlie Crist has seen his significant lead vanish while former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio has taken the lead, while claiming to be against Amnesty. Still, many questions remain about the role of Speaker Rubio in the demise of many immigration enforcement bills in the Florida legislature, but it is good to see candidates making a contrast on our issue in this race.

    With these numerous examples, and our small army of citizen-activists ready to demand positions on illegal immigration from candidates, it is clear that illegal immigration will take center stage in the elections and possible political revolution of 2010 if we work hard!

    We will also be encouraging those candidates who support Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty for illegal aliens to make that stance very clear to voters.

    There are several bogus polls being circulated making the ludicrous claim to candidates and lawmakers that most Americans support allowing millions of illegal aliens to stay in America. Our collection of polls at proves that the opposite is true. We welcome the challenge and encourage our opponents to put their support for Amnesty front and center as our candidates make it clear they want our existing immigration laws enforced by presidents, instead of Amnesty.

    We know our side is correct and that the voters are with us, so let us gladly put it to the test!

    Good News From Our Opposition

    The illegal aliens and their supporters are in complete disarray at this time as their multi-million dollar, well planned, and mammoth AMNESTY plans fall apart!

    The year 2010 has been mentioned again and again in documents we have researched, from groups like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), that sit a the center of this conspiracy to degrade and erase America with mass immigration legal and illegal. The Globalists have stated again and again that they will complete the transformation into some form of 'North American Community' or "North American Union' in 2010. The Amnesty legislation is a central component of these plans and it is in deep jeopardy at this moment.

    Obama's dedication of only 37 words to "immigration reform" amnesty in his State of the Union address made it clear to La Raza, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, MALDEF, LULAC, and the army of groups and leaders behind this invasion that Amnesty is coming off of the table until after the 2010 elections.

    The main sponsor of the Amnesty bill, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, is now threatening Obama and plans to take his angry illegal-alien mob to the streets in Washington, D.C. on March 21! ALIPAC has a countermeasure planned for what we hope will be 'The Last March of Gutierrez" in our nation that we will unveil next week. It will involve Round 2 of our Tea Parties against Amnesty, which successfully pushed Gutierrez back almost two months on his time line to file the bill in 2009!

    In fact, we want to take a moment to thank each and every person who donated time and funds to hold Amnesty back in 2009 through lobbying efforts and Tea Party strategies. Those of you who put in the time and energy have given all Americans one last chance to get things right at the ballot box in 2010, without millions of illegal aliens lined up to vote against us as new "legalized" voters.

    Desperate Globalist Measures?

    At this time, the GOP bait-and-switch tactic being attempted behind the scenes appears to be the best chance the illegal aliens and their supporters have at overcoming our active and growing political revolution in America.

    However, if our side overcomes this tactic of a one party system pretending to be a two party system, or their GOP Washington insider firewall should fail for any reason, then Obama and his masters and minions would have to consider more drastic measures to bring their plans for America into being in 2010.

    Those in high places who are responsible for the catastrophic consequences for American citizens due to illegal immigration, as well as many other major problems in the country, have made it clear they are completely ruthless, unscrupulous, and willing to see Americans die for their plans to proceed.

    We should all remain diligent and open-minded to the possibility that our elite opposition may attempt drastic measures to derail our peaceful political revolution in November of 2010 which is designed to place power and control over America back into the hands of We The People.

    Our rulers may not go down quietly.

    What We Must Do

    We have a chance here to turn things around and we must unify and work harder than ever before!

    We have launched our Battle of The States 2010 campaigns to try to get more state-level immigration enforcement. We played a lot of defense in the states in 2009 after Obama won and we held the line in every state we fought in except for Wisconsin. Now, we have a chance to go on offense because state lawmakers want to be re-elected too.

    Our mission in the states is to get state-level immigration enforcement bills moving in every state we can, pass as many as we can, and turn the issue of illegal immigration into a massive state office campaign issue so voters can know who is with Americans, and who is a traitor serving the illegal aliens on the state level.

    We must direct more volunteers and contributions into campaigns for the House and U.S. Senate than ever before, and we need our people converging on the primary battles immediately to head off the higher-ups that want smaller versions of Globalist servants like Bush, McCain, Obama, Clinton winning these primaries.

    Remember, the Globalists have the money and media influence needed to win races while many Americans are being diminished in our ability to fight back, because we are being thrown out of our jobs and homes and replaced with foreign workers and consumers in this low intensity conquest of America.

    Yet, those who need jobs or better jobs might want to get on board as volunteers with our targeted campaigns found at, because when we sweep the elections there will be a need for new workers in Washington, the state capitals, and in state and federal agencies. We are not only going to throw down the corrupt politicians that have sold us out, we are going to politically hunt down and fire or cut off funds to their minions in the 501(c)3 groups and state agencies!

    We will soon announce our next wave of Tea Parties Against Amnesty to counter "The Last March of Gutierrez" on D.C. on March 21.

    We are very serious. This is a political REVOLUTION that is possible if merely enough of you are willing to respond and stand up and move with us!

    We must remain brave and resolute, dedicate ourselves to peace and the using of what little still functions correctly in our political system left to us by the founders of America.

    Let us march together as unified Americans all the way to Election Day 2010, when we will throw every politician, who is out of touch with We The People, out of office!
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Southcentral PA, USA


    The plans to deal w/ immigration amnesty supporters is excellent. Well thought out strategies can enable us to mount successful efforts to stop those who espouse one position, while taking completely opposite actions once elected.
    I was pleased to see ALIPAC has the data to show polls quoted by many talking heads & politico's are totally inaccurate, if not completely falsified. Many commentators go on air telling the public polls show this support or that support, they say researchers agree to this or that, and so many other completely false comments, that one could scream & throw the TV or radio out the window. Few interviewers challenge these comments. It drives me nuts.
    So many Americans just assume when some clown says polls support amnesty, that that comment is a fact. In truth, many speakers use this tactic when pushing any of their agenda items. Health care may be the most despicable example. Americans do NOT favor current proposals for health care reform. Reform is not what is proposed. Complete overhaul of the current system, or elimination of the current system, is what they propose. That huge new federal bureaucracy will have to have something to do, and that job will be to manage our health care from their bureaucratic enclaves in Washington.
    Anyway, I intend to use the ALIPAC data on polls to challenge any & every commentator who tries to tell an interviewer the public supports immigration amnesty, when I know that is not true. I plan to email, write, call, & if I can even visit some of those media offices with the data & demand they tell the public the spokesperson told an untruth. The speaker may have been mistaken, or they may be pushing a specific political agenda depending on who they are associated with. Regardless, I want the media to have to do corrections & tell the public the majority of all polls taken, do NOT show public support for amnesty & the person they interviewed was using the on air TV or radio time to influence the public with false information. In fact, the public has historically opposed immigration amnesty & especially any currently proposed since all of the past amnesties did little to resolve our illegal alien entry problems.
    Maybe it will help. Who knows. But sitting silent or just screaming at my own TV or radio will no longer do as a response to their lies & distortions!
    <a href></a>

  3. #3
    neoboudica's Avatar
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    Please consider joining the A3P. Forget the republicans and the democrats because they are actively destroying America. We must find another party.

    Please visit this site in order to follow Kevin MacDonald who is behind the American 3rd position Party.

    This is the best site on the internet for [MOD EDIT] those who wish to put America first and take our nation back [MOD EDIT].

  4. #4
    Charlise's Avatar
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    New Hampshire
    I have a question regarding the line from your letter saying that Sarah Palin had made a pitch in Spanish indicating that she was in favor of Amnesty. I really thought that I was staying on top of everything, but I somehow missed that. Did she really say she was for amnesty, or was it inferred from her saying that she would be for Comprehensive Immigration Reform? I can be for Comprehensive Immigration Reform if it doesn't include amnesty or some sort of silly path to such. I do wonder now just where Sarah Palin stands on this issue.
    I am disappointed that she is supporting McCain at this time, but I think she sees it a a duty.

  5. #5
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Gheen, Minnesota, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Charlise
    I have a question regarding the line from your letter saying that Sarah Palin had made a pitch in Spanish indicating that she was in favor of Amnesty. I really thought that I was staying on top of everything, but I somehow missed that. Did she really say she was for amnesty, or was it inferred from her saying that she would be for Comprehensive Immigration Reform? I can be for Comprehensive Immigration Reform if it doesn't include amnesty or some sort of silly path to such. I do wonder now just where Sarah Palin stands on this issue.
    I am disappointed that she is supporting McCain at this time, but I think she sees it a a duty.

    At this time, we consider "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" to mean Amnesty since that is what John McCain and others promoting the plan to legalize illegals and turn them into citizens and voters are calling their plan.

    Sarah Palin stood firmly with John McCain on the Spanish language channels in support of that plan.

    You, and most other Americans never heard about it because the enemies of the United States broadcast one set of messages to their invading forces in Spanish and another highly censored and politically calculated message in English on the major networks which they have massive influence over.

    I'm sure one of our activists can post Palin's Univision / Telemundo comments here shortly>

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  6. #6
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Here you go!


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    Partido Republicano

    Governor, let me ask you about immigration. How many undocumented immigrants are there in Alaska?
    I don't know, I don't know. That's a good question.

    As governor, how do you deal with them? Do you think they all should be deported?
    There is no way that in the US we would roundup every illegal immigrant -there are about 12 million of the illegal immigrants- not only economically is that just an impossibility but that's not a humane way anyway to deal with the issue that we face with illegal immigration.

    Do you then favor an amnesty for the 12 or 13 million undocumented immigrants?
    No, I do not. I do not. Not total amnesty. You know, people have got to follow the rules. They've got to follow the bar, and we have got to make sure that there is equal opportunity and those who are here legally should be first in line for services being provided and those opportunities that this great country provides.

    To clarify, so you support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants?
    I do because I understand why people would want to be in America. To seek the safety and prosperity, the opportunities, the health that is here. It is so important that yes, people follow the rules so that people can be treated equally and fairly in this country.

    And the last question would be about politics. You only have two more weeks left...

    What is your strategy? How are you planning to win the latino vote?
    I will tell you, I wish that there were more hours in the day so that we can get out there and to more of the communities with such the strong Latino vote that is out there and really tell them that we desire to work for them. We are asking them to hire us and let us work for them.

    Thank you so much. It would be impossible to ask you to say a few words in Spanish, right?
    Oh my good-well, I don't want to embarrass myself, but … but gracias and I do thank you so much for this opportunity. I appreciate it.

    Thank you, muchas gracias, thank you.
    It's more of the AMNESTY that's not an AMNESTY bait and switch routine. Same thing we have seen from McCain and others for four years now.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  7. #7
    fuliopen's Avatar
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    Dear Mr. Gheen:

    I've read your article, and will read it more times. It is a heavy blow on the amnesty proponents and supporters. Some must hate you. You are very important to our movement again the illegal immigration. Please always be careful about your safety. Thank you very much for your talents, leadership and hard work.

  8. #8
    fuliopen's Avatar
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    The biggest problem in fighting illegal immigration is that the federal government does not, or is reluctant to, enforce the immigration law. It knows there is the law, but simply is not implementing it. Illegal aliens continue to enter by various means, stay and work. So Gheen's proposal on enforcing the law at the state level is a good strategy at present.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator GeorgiaPeach's Avatar
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    Welcome to Alipac fuliopen. Your comments are appreciated.

    The truth threatens the grand scheme of a great many out to harm or even destroy the United States. We all need to educate ourselves, and then to educate others, including friends, families, acquaintances. This education should also extend to politicians and candidates, and believe it or not, there really are some who do not understand the true harm that allowing millions of people to stay and get free handouts does to America. They do not recognize the repercussions involved at all stages of illegally crossing a border, overstaying a visa, etc.

    Strength in numbers, especially when Americans gather together to reject socialist, open borders, international intrusions, all contrary to the Constitution and to our founders desires.

    Psalm 91
    Matthew 19:26
    But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  10. #10
    djufo's Avatar
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    Great thread. Count me in. When it comes to country, there is no price. For anything I could be useful, I'm in the front line.

    I encourage people to wake up as many Americans as you can. Talk to them about immigration, enlighten them about the catastrophic consequences of illegal alien invasion. Make them active. Let them see, the side not shown by politicians and the media.

    Americans MUST act based on the power of reason. Reason, will ALWAYS prevail over emotions.

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