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Thread: 2020 Democrat Takes Heat for Telling Woman Victimized by an Illegal Immigrant That ‘C

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    Senior Member Airbornesapper07's Avatar
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    2020 Democrat Takes Heat for Telling Woman Victimized by an Illegal Immigrant That ‘C|By Sydney Jones

    2020 Democrat Takes Heat for Telling Woman Victimized by an Illegal Immigrant That 'Crime Happens'

    Sydney Monduy about 22 hours ago 66.8k Views 1 Comment


    Julián Castro seemed to sidestep an immigration question during a Fox News town hall on Thursday.
    The Democratic presidential candidate was asked a question about immigration from a woman who had her identity stolen by an illegal immigrant.
    “He was caught and then released on his own recognizance, never to be heard from again,” she said to Castro. “My question is, would you be willing to penalize offenders taking advantage of Americans by having them not released if they’re known to be illegal?”
    Castro began his answer by making an excuse for the man’s actions.
    “Let me begin to answer that question by saying, look, all of us know as human beings that regardless of circumstance, whether people are rich, or poor, no matter the color of their skin, what their background is, that people commit crime. Crime happens,” said Castro.

    Video at the page link

    While he did admit the man should have been punished for his crimes, he diverted to talking about illegal immigrants being detained while trying to cross the border.
    “What I don’t believe is that we should be incarcerating these women and children who are fleeing desperate circumstances in those countries and simply are looking for a better life, and then we’re keeping them in cages like animals, and keeping these men in 100 degree heat, underneath a bridge, they’re fenced in like animals, like a dog pound basically. I believe that we’re better than that as Americans. And so, of course, we need to enforce those laws, whether it’s identity theft or it’s more serious crimes. I’ve said that very clearly.”
    Castro received backlash from conservatives on Twitter, questioning his rhetoric when it came to immigration.
    Read some reactions below:
    Yes @JulianCastro people will commit crimes. However, and Undocumented immigrant cannot be found after committing murder, or other crimes. This is why its important to have documentation to this country. You’re an idiot.
    — Newell G. Boyce (@NewellGBoyce) June 14, 2019
    Why can't any Democrat say "illegal immigrant"? They try so hard not to say that, soon the are going to start calling them "undocumented Americans" or something like that.
    See Daniel Alexander's other Tweets

    Illegals don’t just happen. Illegals are primarily drawn by Leftist Democrat policies and agendas. Illegals by default are criminals. The devastation they exact on our people and our society is at the hands of Leftist Democrats.

    See Colorado Patriot 's other Tweets

    The entire immigration debate in 2 words
    See Clayton A.'s other Tweets

    As IJR Red has reported,
    many of the Democratic presidential candidates are supporting controversial policies, with some even calling for the abolition of federal agencies like ICE.
    If you're gonna fight, fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark... and brother its starting to rain. Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  2. #2
    Moderator Beezer's Avatar
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    What a jerk!


  3. #3
    MW is offline
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    Castro began his answer by making an excuse for the man’s actions.
    “Let me begin to answer that question by saying, look, all of us know as human beings that regardless of circumstance, whether people are rich, or poor, no matter the color of their skin, what their background is, that people commit crime. Crime happens,” said Castro.

    Castro missed the boat on this one. Sure crimes are going to happen but any crime committed by an illegal alien is a crime that should have never happened. Secure our darn border and follow the law that calls for the deportation of all illegal aliens!

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" ** Edmund Burke**

    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  4. #4
    Moderator Beezer's Avatar
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    "Crime happens"...we do NOT need to import more of it!!!

    Deport the 25 million illegal aliens who do not belong in our country and their anchor babies! They are NOT U.S. Citizens!


  5. #5
    Senior Member Airbornesapper07's Avatar
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    ‘Crime Happens:’ Julian Castro Explains Away Illegal Alien Identity Theft, Fraud (VIDEO)

    Julian Castro explained away illegal alien crimes.

    Published 41 mins ago on Jun 17, 2019
    By Peter D'Abrosca

    Sunday night, Fox News hosted a town hall for one of the many Democratic Party primary candidates, wherein the candidate brushed aside a question from a concerned citizen about the crimes of illegal aliens.

    “Let me begin the answer to that question by saying – look – all of us know as human beings, regardless of circumstance, whether people are rich or poor, no matter the color of their skin, what their background is, people commit crime: crime happens,” Julian Castro told the audience member who asked the question.

    The woman told Castro that she had been the victim of identity theft and fraud at the hands of an illegal alien, who stole her social security number. Apparently, the perpetrator of the crime was released from police custody, “never to be heard from again.” She asked if, as president, Castro would ensure that illegal aliens who commit crimes would be detained, and not simply released.


    The woman did not inject race into the question. She never mentioned the skin color of the perpetrator of the crime. But Castro assumed that she was talking about a nonwhite person, and in his answer implied that the woman was racist simply for asking a question about illegal aliens.

    Democrat presidential candidate @JulianCastro's reaction when Arizona voter Jessica Welch tells him she was victimized by an illegal immigrant: "Crime happens."
    If you're gonna fight, fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark... and brother its starting to rain. Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  6. #6
    Moderator Beezer's Avatar
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    Give these illegals the Social Security numbers of EVERY ONE OF HIS family members!!!


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