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Posted on 08/28 at 04:14 PM
You asked, "Who will clean your house, cook your food, clear your table, pick your fruit, wash your car, build your house, be a nanny to your children, mow your grass." I clean my OWN house, wash my OWN car, raise my OWN children, mow my OWN grass, and for everything else, I'll pay an American citizen to do it, thank you very much! What part of ILLEGAL do you not understand? And BTW, I have friends of ALL colors, BROWN is NOT a synonym for latino. I agree with Mr. Gheen 100%!

Posted on 08/28 at 12:44 PM
I agree with Mr. Gheen. We have been invaded. I resent invaders demanding rights. They are illegal. They have no civil rights. I want all invaders removed and they must take all those children that my tax money paid for with them.

Posted on 08/28 at 12:41 PM
I totally agree with Mr. Gheen. The illegal alien problem we currently find ourselves in is more destructive to this country than 911, the Iraq War, and all our national disasters lumped together. Illegal aliens who disregard the law are going to be the ruination of this country if something isn't done, and fast.

Posted on 08/28 at 11:36 AM
So latinos can trace their ancestry back farther than the Mayflower? So can many races of folks! Get used to the term illegal alien because by TRUE definition, that is what illegals are. Please do not bring race into this by implying a "brown problem." This is not about race, it's simply about obeying the law. And, I do (and have done) ALL of the jobs you mention and guess what? AMERICANS WILL DO THOSE JOBS! Rock on William!

Posted on 08/28 at 10:15 AM
I understand that you are mad but while deporting all the illegal aliens (by the way I HATE that term-they didnt come from mars) will solve your "brown" problem, it leads to new problems. Who will clean your house, cook your food, clear your table, pick your fruit, wash your car, build your house, be a nanny to your children, mow your grass. Stop eating, building, growing, getting dirty and all the brown people will go away.
Latinos can trace their ancestry back farther than the Mayflower