Ironically, immigration is hurting Mexico, too!

Memo From Mexico, By Allan Wall

Unexpected Perspective From The Baja Big Fish Company
Some people find it strange, and even objectionable, that I live in Mexico and write in favor of a stricter U.S. immigration policy.

For me, there is no contradiction. Nor do I consider my writings to be at all anti-Mexican. I just find the whole Open Borders business to be an incredibly hypocritical and destructive scam that hurts both Mexico and the United States.

Some of my previous articles relating to these perspectives:

"The Education of a Gringo in Mexico", which explains how living in Mexico encouraged me to become an immigration restrictionist.

"How Can I live in Mexico and Write for VDARE.COM", which is (naturally) a defense of how I can live in Mexico and call for a strict U.S. immigration policy.

“Does Emigration Really Help Mexico?â€