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  1. #11
    Senior Member dman1200's Avatar
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    I called my Senator, Arlen Specter's office today and when I told the lady that answered that I opposed attaching the AgJOBS amnesty to the Iraq supplemental spending bill, she didn't know what I was talking about.

    This is typical of the staffers in Specter's offices I have found from past calls.
    I can't stand Specter. I so wish Toomey would have beaten him. The liberal Republican staffers are by far the most arrogant. They act like they are the ones that run the show. Totally dismissive too. Sad part is they make half as much as I do and they have their noses in the clouds just like the bosses they work for.

    The worst I've dealt with is Driers spokeholes. They are just aweful.
    Please support our fight against illegal immigration by joining ALIPAC's email alerts here

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    I found a link for FAIR (Federation for Immigration Reform)
    You can send a fax or an e-mail to your Senator or Congressman
    regarding the Ag Bill or another matter.
    using pre-written letters or you can devise your own.
    Last edited by Jean; 08-27-2013 at 10:38 PM. Enforce immigration laws!

  3. #13
    Senior Member dman1200's Avatar
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    From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
    Date: Tuesday 5APR05 3 p.m.

    3 ways to phone/act today and Wed to help stop AgJOBS amnesty in Senate

    Your hundreds of calls and thousands of faxes last week and yesterday are REALLY stirring up the Senate.

    Our Capitol Hill Team reports that things are looking slightly more optimistic for keeping the AgJobs amnesty (3 million illegal aliens and relatives) from passing the Senate this week or next week.

    I have two brand new types of requests for help from you today. And an old one.

    Please take at least one of the actions below. You are holding the line against the U.S Chamber of Commmerce and the AFL-CIO which have combined to undermine the American worker with floods of foreign labor. Not an easy job for you. But you are the ONLY organized force standing up for the working families of America on this issue.

    "Please tell other NumbersUSA members that it is extremely easy to make those phone calls and to not leave it up to others to do so. EVERYONE must call. If they do so, I believe we have a very real chance of winning. If not, our country is being put in the very real danger of being taken over by illegal aliens from which we will never recover. This is the moment for everyone to get involved. Thank you for all your hard work to keep our country safe and proud."

    -- Stacey McRae, California

    1. ACTION ........ Put your local group on anti-AgJOBS list

    Our allies in the Senate need a list of 100 or more local, state, regional and national groups that oppose the AgJobs amnesty.

    Are you a member of any kind of group that could give permission to have its name on this list?

    We need your response by Wednesday night for a list that anti-amnesty Senators will start using Thursday. (If you can't get approval until later in the week, then please send your approval when you get it so that we might add you to a later printing of the list.)

    The list will not be on any group's letterhead. It will be a sheet of white paper with organizations in alphabetical order under the heading, "Organizations Opposed to the AgJobs Amnesty."

    Elected officials in Congress who are our allies have asked for this assistance. Will you please do everything you can to help them.

    The pro-amnesty crowd runs around with a list of hundreds of organizations, most of whom nobody's ever heard of. There are lots of little study groups in local churches and little immigrant-advocacy groups in small towns.

    We are looking for endorsements of the anti-amnesty position by veterans, church, environmental, neighborhood, civic, political, labor, business etc. groups. All of you in Republican and Democratic Women's Clubs may have a way to add to this list.

    Hit REPLY and put "endorsement" in the subject line. Then list the name, address, website (if you have one)and nature of your organization.

    2. ACTION ........ Phone your Representative to sign letter putting Senate on notice

    We have found a highly unlikely ally in our battle to stop the Senate from its usual headlong rush to reward and encourage illegal immigration .....


    Actually, we're talking about individual Members of the House.

    It is highly unusual for Members of the House or Senate to lobby the other.

    But our allies in the House just can't stand to the side and watch the usual Senate train wreck on immigration.

    Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ) has sent the following letter to all House Members. I am asking you to call your Representative's office and ask the staff to call Hayworth's staff to learn more about signing this important letter.

    Get your Representative's phone number at:

    Dear Colleague:

    The Senate is considering adding several immigration amnesty proposals to the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act. By signing the attached letter, you will let Speaker Hastert know the supplemental is the wrong legislation for the proposed amendments, and outline the principles that should guide immigration reform when the appropriate legislation is considered.

    The REAL ID Act, which passed the House in February, was sent to the Senate as a part of the supplemental as Chairman Sensenbrenner was promised by Speaker Hastert and the White House. The REAL ID Act will improve our national security, piecemeal amnesty proposals will not. The REAL ID Act improves the security standards of driver's licenses, allows the San Diego border fence to be completed, clarifies grounds for deportations of suspected terrorists, and prevents terrorists from abusing of our asylum system.

    If you would like to add your signature, please immediately contact Todd Sommers in my office (225-2190).

    Deadline for signatures is Wednesday April 13, 2005.

    Best regards,
    J.D. Hayworth
    Member of Congress

    So, ask your Representative's staff to call Todd at 225-2190 and learn about signing on to this letter.

    It is especially important that any Representative who claims to be against illegal immigration take this action to show true commitment.

    You will see from the letter that follows that this essentially is a request that the House draw a line in the sand and say that amnesties for illegal aliens are out of bounds.

    Here is the letter that your Representative should sign:

    The Honorable J. Dennis Hastert
    Speaker of the House
    Washington, D.C. 20515

    Dear Speaker Hastert:

    We write to urge you to communicate to the Senate our determination to establish and enforce an immigration policy that celebrates our immigrant heritage, secures our borders, draws a bright line between legal and illegal aliens, and rejects any and all forms of amnesty.

    While it’s imperative that Congress reform our immigration system, bogging down a wartime funding measure with non-germane amendments that were not specifically agreed to by House leadership and President Bush does not serve the American people well. We believe you must make it clear to President Bush and especially the Senate that we expect the debate over our immigration policies should not delay the supplemental appropriations necessary to fund our military operations and tsunami relief efforts.

    We look forward to swift completion of a conference report on the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act that enhances our ability to fight terrorism. We trust that any subsequent immigration reform legislation will honor what we consider to be bedrock principles of a sane, effective, productive immigration policy:

    1. Our national security against terrorism must be built on secure borders, and we intend to invest whatever manpower and technological resources are required to close our borders to terrorists, drug smugglers, and illegal aliens;

    2. Our national allegiance is to one indivisible nation, and we will not allow or condone the balkanization of the United States of America but instead embrace efforts to help documented newcomers become part of the American family;

    3. Our core belief is that “reverence for the laws� must be, as Lincoln said, the “political religion of the nation,� which means we can no longer blur the line between legal and illegal immigration and we must vigorously enforce all of our immigration laws;

    4. Our nation’s economic security and that of our workers, particularly low-income and underemployed Americans, must not be undercut by exploited, unskilled illegal alien workers; and

    5. Our previous experiments with direct or indirect amnesty have failed, resulting in more not less, illegal immigration because amnesty rewards lawbreakers and discriminates against those who seek legal entry into this country; therefore, every form and vestige of amnesty must be rooted out of federal laws, regulations and policies.

    By reaffirming our fidelity to these self-evident truths, we can seize this moment of opportunity to resolve one of the primary and growing threats to our nation’s future. We urge you work with us to rescue an immigration policy that is failing the American people, imposing enormous costs on our economy, and leaving us more vulnerable to terrorism.


    (names of Representatives)

    3. ACTION ........ Phone your Senators with principles of the Hayworth letter

    It is imperative that the phone calls not stop and not slow down to your Senators.

    If you have not yet called, for the sake of the country, please call now.

    If you called earlier, you have new things to say.

    Get your Senators' phone number at:

    You can be as simple as stating your name and asking the Senator to oppose attaching Sen. Craig's AgJobs amnesty to the Iraq spending bill.

    Or you can take a section of Rep. Hayworth's letter and make your points from there.

    Just remember that the only thing stopping the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO further flooding our jobs and communities with hundreds of thousands of more foreign workers and relatives IS YOU!


    -- ROY
    Please support our fight against illegal immigration by joining ALIPAC's email alerts here

  4. #14
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Gheen, Minnesota, United States
    I know this info is in another post, but I wanted both options for action compiled in this sticky thread.


    Please use FAIR's system, oulined below, to take action AGAINST this pending legislation. FAIR makes it easy to: 1) urge Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) to keep AgJOBS off the Senate floor by sending a FREE fax today; and 2) urge your senators to oppose AgJOBS in any form. Follow the instructions under the section "Action Needed."

    Urgent Action Needed to Fight AgJOBS Amnesty
    Senate Poised to Attach AgJOBS to Emergency War Supplemental

    Your help is needed to defeat Sen. Larry Craig's (R-ID) AgJOBS amnesty for illegal aliens engaged in farm work and their spouses and children!

    The Senate parliamentarian has ruled that debate over an AgJOBS amendment will be allowed on the pending emergency war supplemental spending bill. As mentioned, the AgJOBS bill would provide amnesty to illegal aliens engaged in farm work and their spouses and children, even those who have worked in agriculture and left the United States. It would also forgive agricultural employers who unlawfully employ illegal aliens and vastly expand and liberalize the H-2A agricultural guestworker program.

    Help fight anticipated efforts to attach AgJOBS to the emergency war supplemental bill by taking action today!

    Action Needed

    Urge Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) to keep AgJOBS off the Senate floor by sending a FREE fax today. Follow this link then click on the take action button to send this prewritten, editable fax.

    Urge your senators to oppose AgJOBS in any form. Click here then type your zip code into the take action now box to send a FREE faxed message. (These messages are pre-written based on cosponsorship of Sen. Craig's AgJOBS bill, S. 359.)

    Follow up your faxes with phone calls. Call Sen. Frist at 202-224-3135. Find your senators phone numbers here on our web site or call the senate switchboard (202-224-3121) and ask to be connected.

    Sample Message for Sen. Frist's Office:
    (If you live in Tennessee, be sure to mention so when calling.)

    "I'm calling to urge Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) to keep Sen. Larry Craig's (R-ID) AgJOBS amnesty off the Senate floor. Do not allow this legislation on the Senate floor in any form. Specifically, do not allow it to be considered as an amendment to the emergency war supplemental bill.

    The American people oppose rewarding illegal aliens with amnesty. AgJOBS would provide amnesty to illegal aliens engaged in farm work and their spouses and children. In addition to rewarding illegal aliens for violating our immigration laws, this bill forgives employers who have violated laws against hiring illegal aliens. Rewarding such behavior is unfair to those who play by the rules and will encourage further disregard for our laws.

    This bill also vastly expands and liberalizes the H-2A agricultural guestworker program, which will further depress wages and working conditions for American workers in this industry.

    Please uphold your oath of office by protecting the laws of this nation. Do not allow them to be sacrificed or modified for the benefit of greedy employers."

    Sample Message for Senate Cosponsors of AgJOBS, S. 359:

    "As your constituent, I strongly urge you to reconsider your support for Sen. Craig's AgJOBS amnesty legislation.

    AgJOBS would provide amnesty to illegal aliens engaged in farm work and their spouse and children. In addition to rewarding illegal aliens who have violated our immigration laws, this bill forgives employers who have violated laws against hiring illegal aliens. Rewarding such behavior is unfair to those who play by the rules and will encourage further disregard for our laws.

    Even President Bush regards this bill as an amnesty.

    Please reconsider your support and oppose AgJOBS in any form."

    Sample Message for all other Senators:

    "As your constituent, I strongly urge you to oppose Sen. Larry Craig's AgJOBS amnesty in any form.

    AgJOBS would provide amnesty to illegal aliens engaged in farm work and their spouses and children. In addition to rewarding illegal aliens who have violated our immigration laws, this bill forgives employers who have broken laws against hiring illegal aliens. Rewarding such behavior is unfair to those who play by the rules and will encourage further disregard for our laws.

    This bill also vastly expands and liberalizes the H-2A agricultural guestworker program, which will further depress wages and working conditions for American workers in this industry.

    Even President Bush regards this legislation as an amnesty.

    Please oppose this legislation in any form, whether offered as an amendment to the emergency war supplemental bill soon to be considered or brought to the floor as stand alone legislation, S. 359."

    For more details, read the following Washington Times article: Senate Opens Door to Alien Amnesty.
    Last edited by Jean; 08-27-2013 at 10:40 PM.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #15
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Gheen, Minnesota, United States
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    As I sit back and see how you all think you can still buy your way out of this Legislative, Executive, & Judicial Sell Out, by yacking to the tune of Billions for them, and Squat for you, and all I can do is laugh, knowing that you & everything related to you will soon accompany me in hell.

    Still don't get it, do U???

    Poor, Pitiful, & Woefully Misguided Citizens of Rome.

    I’ve been a true republican for over 30 yrs, and I can honestly say that YOUR false prophet & God, Bush, is naught but an Oil man & cheap labor ranching low life IQ Demon 2 OUR 21st century.

    I know most of you can talk your way out of a fix these days, easy enough, and your profiteering kind would argue that my kind needs D shrink, today, but put all your idealistic fantasies aside for a second, and consider how something of this degree will effect you & everything you love?

    Tried to tell you all that Bush was a Traitor & False Prophet in wolf’s clothing, before.

    Hello; like what the Hell do most of you people need to wake up & smell your own blood?

    Most who've fought in Bush’s so called war on terror, know that he's not doing a damned thing to protect US from real terror by sacrificing our sons and daughters 2 Iraq Sunni's & Shia's, raised to hate Americans to begin with, as he throws open Americas borders & invites every foreign criminal to freely cross US.

    First of all: Bush is NO Reagan and I can't think of anyone who's done more to Decimate & Fractionalize the GOP & the American Dream, Including Nixon, today, then a Bush.

    Get over it: the window for talking your way out of this real Quagmire is long gone, so you'd do better by sharpening & honing your survival skills, then sitting here beating @ the jaw.

    "Conscience is but the name which cowardice Fleeing the battle scrawls upon its shield." ~ Oscar Wilde ~

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