Here's my count on our U.S. Senate losses:

Sen. Allen (R-VA), Sen. Burns (R-MT), Sen. Talent (R-MO) and Sen. Santorm (R-PA) who voted against S. 2611 are now gone, but so are Sen. Dewinn (R-OH), and Sen. Chaffe (R-RI) who supported the bill.

Now, what about the 6 senators that replaced Allen, Burns, Santorm, Dewinn, Talent, and Chaffe? Do they support amnesty? Here's what I think I know :

Sen. Talent's replacement - Sen McCaskill says she doesn't support amnesty.

Sen. Burn's replacement - Sen. Tester says he doesn't support amensty.

Sen. Allen's replacement - Sen. Webb Webb supports amnesty, but is not interested in a comprehensive plan. He wants the borders secured first. Additionally, he does not want more "foreign guest workers" in Virginia. Tough to say where he's going to fall after the arm twisting begins.

Sen. Santorum's replacement - Sen. Casey supports amnesty.

Sen. Chafee's replacement - Sen. Whitehouse supports amnesty.

Sen. Dewinn's replacement - Sen. Brown supports amnesty.

So, before the Democrat arm twisting begins, it looks like this in the Senate:

We had 4 of 6 against amnesty in the Senate before Nov. 7th. Now we have 2.5 of 6 against amnesty (Webb gets the .5). Net loss: 3.5 favorable votes.

Unless we force some people to change their position, it looks like we still lose in the Senate. Our best bet is to keep gambling on the U.S. House to save our butts!

Anyones facts or opinions differ? I'm all ears.