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  1. #21
    Senior Member millere's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by miguelina
    6. WHY in the WORLD would she keep up a lie after her parents called in the FBI? Is she that mentally unstable? If she is, she needs major therapy!
    There are alot of unanswered questions in this "little town". Have large numbers of American citizens there lost their jobs to illegal aliens? Do some Americans feel that by "going along" with illegal aliens things will go better for them? Do Americans who complain about illegal aliens lose their jobs first or get called "racist"? Does Melanie's father have job problems caused by illegal immigrants? Are the local police defenders of illegal aliens? Is there propaganda spread in the school that being against illegal immigration is the same as being racist?

  2. #22
    Senior Member Gogo's Avatar
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    I think this video of the RI lawmakers family being confronted at their own home gives validity to the radical elements in the Hispanic, pro-illegal community.

    Melanie's story is not out of the realm of possibility. If they are legal students then they should be punished for trying to intimidate her and violate her Constitutional rights to free speech. If they are not they need to be deported for breaking our laws and trying to intimidate an American citizen.

    In any case, both sides of this needs to be thoroughly investigated. A school meeting in the auditorium needs to be conducted to make sure that a students rights to free speech needs to be enforced.
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  3. #23
    Senior Member USPatriot's Avatar
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    A fact remains no matter if the girl lied or not.The School office REFUSED to let her call her parents.

    There is more to this then we know.imho
    "A Government big enough to give you everything you want,is strong enough to take everything you have"* Thomas Jefferson

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