'True Reform' Candidate Nathan Deal Wins Republican Nomination for Governor in Georgia

Published for Thursday, August 12, 2010, 4:08 AM EDT - posted on NumbersUSA

Former Rep. Nathan Deal has won the Republican Nomination for Governor of Georgia. Deal finished second in the Georgia primary last month, but former Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel didn't win more than 50% of the vote, forcing a run-off with Deal. The race was too close to call after election booths closed last night, but Handel conceded to Deal earlier today.

Former Rep. Nathan Deal completed the NumbersUSA Immigration-Reduction Survey, answering "Yes" to every question. He also had a career A+ grade over his nine terms in Congress.

Deal introduced legislation into the current Congress that would change U.S. naturalization law that grants automatic citizenship to all children born in the country.

The Birthright Citizenship Act of 2009, H.R.1868, would require at least one parent to be a U.S. citizen or a legal permanent resident. The bill was taken over by Rep. Gary Miller (R-Calif.) after Deal resigned from the House to run for Governor. The bill is one of NumbersUSA's "5 Great Immigration-Reduction Bills."

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