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Thread: Notice the Transparently Absent, It's Who Was Not at the White House that also Tells

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    Super Moderator GeorgiaPeach's Avatar
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    Notice the Transparently Absent, It's Who Was Not at the White House that also Tells

    Notice the Transparently Absent - It's Who Was Not At The White House That Also Tells a Story

    January 27, 2017. by sundance

    Yesterday President Trump held a day of meetings with corporate business titans, CEO’s, and also skilled labor union officials. However, two men were transparently absent from both group meetings: U.S. CoC President Tom Donohue, and AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.

    The reasoning for their absence is more sunlight upon the UniParty swamp. Insofar as politics in DC is a false choice assembly of two political parties sharing the same goals and ideology, the uniparty, so too are Donohue and Trumka two sides of the same coin.

    The GOPe wing of the UniParty is funded by Tom Donohue and his crony capitalistic U.S. Chamber of Commerce lobbying group. The DEM wing of the UniParty is funded by Richard Trumka and his consorts in the SEIU and AFSCME.

    Both Donohue and Trumka are operational agents and groundskeepers for the Swamp. It’s an open secret never discussed by media; however, in the era of Trump their transparent absence speaks loudly.

    The AFL-CIO, SEIU and AFSCME provide Democrats with the astroturf boots-on-the-ground for their political reelection campaigns. The U.S. CoC provides virtually unlimited financing for the Republicans to write legislation beneficial to globalist interests. Together they hold a political synergy; they are not oppositional on any swampian endeavor.

    Both Donohue and Trumka worked diligently to create ObamaCare; a legislative priority necessary for both financial benefactors, Wall Street and Big Labor.

    The labor unions present yesterday were skilled labor unions, machinists, pipe-fitters, steelworkers, welders, building, construction and manufacturing unions. Trumka was not there because he is not aligned with the same “America-First” principles carried by the Trump economic agenda.

    Trumka is a stealth agent; however, he did meet with Trump in New York a week earlier:

    President Trump knows the inherent motivations and what underlines the agenda of each any every entity in the sphere of economics.

    Additionally, the absence of Tom Donohue shows how transparently disconnected from actual manufacturing, building, technological and industrial development the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is.

    The U.S. CoC is nothing more than a Wall Street funded lobbying group under a nice sounding name that disguises their globalist-aligned agenda. As an actual builder of great things, President Trump also understands that aspect as well.

    It is all so, well, cheerfully refreshing to witness.

    Good stuff.

    If President Trump keeps this up congress might have to start writing their own legislation instead of allowing lobbyists to do it. Heck, I wonder if they even remember how?…

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    It is delightful, a thrill a minute, to watch Donald Trump do his stuff.

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