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Thread: Come on man … are you really going to vote for Kamala Harris and a democrat rule?

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  1. #1
    Senior Member johnwk's Avatar
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    Come on man … are you really going to vote for Kamala Harris and a democrat rule?

    The invasion of our border

    On dealing with the invasion at our southern border, Kamala supports the so called “bipartisan border bill” which would actually make what is now illegal, legal, and it would allow almost two million poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, un-vetted and terrorist foreign nationals into our country each year.

    By contrast, Trump would re-adopt his border policies which brought illegal immigration down to its lowest point in recorded history!

    Gun confiscation

    Like in all authoritarian type dictatorships, e.g., China, Venezuela and Cuba, Kamala would disarm American citizens of owning adequate firearms to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. Kamala Harris once threatened to use databases of gun owners to send police to their homes to confiscate firearms. LINK

    And, at a 2020 presidential campaign event in Londonderry, N.H. in September 2019, then-presidential candidate Harris told reporters that confiscation of commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms was “a good idea.” LINK

    Keep in mind our Founders intended ordinary citizens to keep and bear arms [a contemporary fire arm used by foot soldiers] so they would be ready and able to defend themselves against a despotic government if necessary. The AR-15-semi is a civilian version of the United States military’s M16 and ought to be kept by ordinary citizens to defend against a tyrannical government if necessary. Forewarned is forearmed.

    National health insurance

    Kamala has also warned us she would like to end private health insurance plans and adopt a national health care system, which would allow millions upon millions of illegal entrant foreign nationals to take advantage of, and thereby deplete our Medicare Trust Fund which American citizens have paid into all their lives. LINK

    Supreme Court and our Constitution

    When it comes to our constitutionally limited system of government and our Supreme Court, Kamala does not support demanding the text of our and its documented legislative intent which gives context to its text to be the rule of law. Kamala wants to tinker with our Supreme Court and add members to it, so her majority appointed members may apply the Humpty Dumpty theory of language to our Constitution:

    “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean- neither more nor less.”

    “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”

    “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master-that’s all.”


    Sexual deviants and Title IX

    And when it comes to protecting females and impressionable little children, Kamala embraced a re-write of Title IX, which allows men in women’s private spaces, athletics, and would protect drag queens’ desire to groom little children into embracing sexual deviant behavior. LINK

    Law and order

    With respect to law and order, Kamala Harris gave her stamp of approval for a bail fund that freed repeated violent criminals back onto our streets, who looted stores, burned private and public property, and assaulted police. LINK

    The green new deal

    Kamala has also been a passionate and vocal advocate for the green new deal which is nothing more the a clever plan to plunder our federal treasury and redistribute its contents into her donors hands, just like 80 percent of Obama’s Green Energy SWINDLING DEALS went to his donors.

    The bottom-line question is . . .

    Why would any sane and informed American citizen, vote for Kamala Harris and a federal democrat leadership?


    Today’s Democrat Leadership has turned New York City and almost every democrat controlled city, into a crime, rat, garbage and terrorist infested ■■■■ hole.

  2. #2
    Moderator Beezer's Avatar
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    There is a complete lack of common sense, ignorance, or stubbornness, in this country when people go fill up the gas tank, buy groceries, try to find affordable housing, cannot be a 1st time home buyer, cannot afford to have their own families, paying higher car insurance, inflation, skyrocketing health insurance, massive homelessness, lawlessness, crime.

    Illegal aliens taking over our housing, food banks, shelters, hotels, schools, ERs, hospitals, doctor offices, bringing diseases, taking over parks and roads and they still even CONSIDER voting for Democrat.

    They are stealing RVs in California and stuffing families in them and taking over the roadways, living on the side of the road.

    Voting for Kamala Harris is a vote to turn your entire state into a homeless, filthy, feces strewn, drug infested, lawless dump full of thieves, zombies, and parasites.

    Stealing mopeds and shooting people, stealing purses, running people over and assaulting pedestrians.

    Not to mention they want to cut the Trump tax cuts, are paying 34.25% in credit card interest, embezzling billions from our local and state budgets to pay for illegal aliens and loading up their EBT cards.

    Awarding illegal aliens driver's licenses for the SOLE purpose to register them to vote and cheat in our elections.

    Allowing this mass, repulsive, invasion for the SOLE purpose to give them all Amnesty #8, count them in the census, garner more seats and money in the districts to cheat in our elections and stay in power to destroy our country and lives. They will be like corrupt Maduro, Cuba, Mexico and the rest of the 3rd world cesspools.

    Do not believe me? Go buy yourself a one-way ticket to Venezuela and live in your perceived utopia of corrupt rule and destruction.

    Then add in the rape, murder, bludgeoning of our citizens, theft, shootings, prostitutes, wiping out store shelves, DUIs, horrific car wrecks, car jackings, home invasion.

    We are on a fast-track to hell if we do not reverse this damage and fast and vote every democrat out of every local, state, and government office.



  3. #3
    Senior Member johnwk's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by Beezer View Post
    There is a complete lack of common sense, ignorance, or stubbornness, in this country when people go fill up the gas tank, buy groceries, try to find affordable housing, cannot be a 1st time home buyer, cannot afford to have their own families, paying higher car insurance, inflation, skyrocketing health insurance, massive homelessness, lawlessness, crime.

    Illegal aliens taking over our housing, food banks, shelters, hotels, schools, ERs, hospitals, doctor offices, bringing diseases, taking over parks and roads and they still even CONSIDER voting for Democrat.

    They are stealing RVs in California and stuffing families in them and taking over the roadways, living on the side of the road.

    Voting for Kamala Harris is a vote to turn your entire state into a homeless, filthy, feces strewn, drug infested, lawless dump full of thieves, zombies, and parasites.

    Stealing mopeds and shooting people, stealing purses, running people over and assaulting pedestrians.

    Not to mention they want to cut the Trump tax cuts, are paying 34.25% in credit card interest, embezzling billions from our local and state budgets to pay for illegal aliens and loading up their EBT cards.

    Awarding illegal aliens driver's licenses for the SOLE purpose to register them to vote and cheat in our elections.

    Allowing this mass, repulsive, invasion for the SOLE purpose to give them all Amnesty #8, count them in the census, garner more seats and money in the districts to cheat in our elections and stay in power to destroy our country and lives. They will be like corrupt Maduro, Cuba, Mexico and the rest of the 3rd world cesspools.

    Do not believe me? Go buy yourself a one-way ticket to Venezuela and live in your perceived utopia of corrupt rule and destruction.

    Then add in the rape, murder, bludgeoning of our citizens, theft, shootings, prostitutes, wiping out store shelves, DUIs, horrific car wrecks, car jackings, home invasion.

    We are on a fast-track to hell if we do not reverse this damage and fast and vote every democrat out of every local, state, and government office.

    No truer words were ever posted!


    Is it not the current Democrat Party Leadership which has filled our inner-city schools, public housing and emergency care rooms with illegal entrant foreign nationals, and has given the finger to our nation’s needy CITIZENS by making them taxed slaves to finance the needs of illegal entrant foreign nationals?

  4. #4
    Senior Member johnwk's Avatar
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    And, as I understand it, Kamala has promised, if she is elected, to close illegal alien detentions centers on day one, which are now holding over 22,000 illegal entrant foreign nationals.

    Is this promise not a threat the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?


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